Trick-or-Treat! (Black Cat's Bad Luck)

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Duke tipped his cowboy hat, awkwardly. "I, uhh, I missed the bus."

"You're ten, a boy your age shouldn't be on the bus alone anyways..." Bruce muttered, getting up off the stairs. "Well, I should get ready to go out myself. I hope you kids have fun."

"Hi Dick."

"Hi Duke." Dick called, sadly, heading up to his room.

"Howdy." Barbara tipped her torn-up vail. 

"Howdy." He replied, raising his hat to the lady. "Hey Jay. I thought you were gonna have a pirate sword?"

"Demon said no." He replied, disappointed.

"It's definitely for the best." Alfred murmured. 

"Let me do your makeup and we can leave." Barbara ordered.

Duke frowned. "Cowboys didn't wear makeup?"

"How do you know?"

He admitted that he didn't, and sat on the steps to get his face done. 

"Everyone got their candy bags?" Tim asked. "I've got the backpack, water, flashlights, all that stuff."
The Waynes didn't play around with Halloween; they mapped out the neighborhood, they brought a huge bag to empty their bags into when they got full, they had Clif bars and water to keep them going, they brought emergency weapons, belts, and jackets (But that's because Alfred wouldn't let them leave without winter coats, even though it covered their costumes).

"Isn't Dick coming?" Duke asked, not immune as Alfred insisted on bundling him up.

"No. Dick has a cold." Tim said, checking his phone, before adding. "Don't worry Alf, its at 98% and I have my portable charger."

Duke leaned up the bottom of the stairs. "I'll bring ya back some chicolate, Dick!"

"Come on!" Jason threw open the door. "Tim, get out the mission plan!"

And with that, they were off.


"I thought you were taking them out?" Cas asked, sitting criss crossed on the sofa, raising a lazy hand of popcorn to her mouth. She, like Damian, had donned skelaton makeup, but with the addission of a pair of tinted sun glasses. She was like that.

Damian shook his head. "I would go out with Father, but the alleged crime is Cat themed." He flopped on the sofa next to her. "I didn't want to be caught in that. What are you watching?"

"Child's Play."

"That's just childish." Damian said. "Are you going to watch something scary?"

"I'm just warming up." She held the popcorn bucket at him and Damian reluctantly took some. "Friday the 13th or Pet Cemetary?"

"You know I hate pet cemetary."

"Then we're watching that." She grabbed the remote.


Dick was so excited. Tim let him stay up past bedtime when Bruce was out just so that they could watch halloween movies.

And now he couldn't go.

He even had his Robin costume all ready. Alfred and the others had helped him make it.

The other kids couldn't be far away... and his costume was right there. Maybe they would let him trick or treat if he was already out?

It was worth a try. He really wanted to go out.

Quietly as he could, he slipped on the leotard, the tunic, and cape and even the mask and booties. The five year old thought he looked just like the real deal.

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