' Why are you just standing there? '

I tightened my grip on the gun as I heard his response to what I said.

Is 'yeah' all he had to say for what I asked?

I hate him and I really did hate him. I hate him for he didn't even think I deserve an explanation for all the lies that he fed me.

" Why? "

I asked only to get silence in return.

" ... "

" You- "

I was cut off by Mike, patting my back and moved away from him a little, everting my eyes from hoseok for a second. I immediately turned at the sound of firing a gunshot to find hoseok's leg bleeding.

" STOP! "

I yelled without even knowing when I saw him running forward tomorrow us. To my surprise he.. stopped, he really was listening to everything I was saying.

He's the kind of guy who'd get enraged and kill everyone while standing in the middle with guns pointed at him.

" Hah, the apple doesn't fall far huh brat. The Jung's always seem to be lovesick with closed eyes how adorable"

I watched his bleeding leg as Mike talked, I couldn't even hear him, my mind was concentrated elsewhere, it must have been the bullet that was fired when he ran towards us... Why did he run but stop when I said?

" Isn't it the same scene you saw back then? How does it feel haha"

He finally everted his gaze from me to Mike, glaring at him.

' same scene? But isn't it Mike that killed his parents? If it's the same then did hoseok lie to me about what happened to him too? "

" Knowing I can snap you in half whenever feels good, old ass"

I snapped out of my thoughts, hearing that Deep confident voice that I always L-.. that's just like him.

" Heh, arrogant brat enough of this, shoot "

I looked at hoseok as he looked at me, he... Really was planning to take it

Why, why are you like this all of a sudden? Are you trying to fool me again?


❚                        Author's pov                       ❚

Hoseok couldn't estimate the risk or pull the knife that was right beside him on the floor.

Heh, this is just like Mike, if hoseok was in his right mind, he could have guessed it.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard a bullet fire from yoongi's direction and a grunt from Mike followed by many bullet fires from the guards towards yoongi.


His body moved on its own as he reached yoongi and pulled him out of the gunshot site of the guards.

With namjoon taking the hint and shooting back at the guards, that distraction was enough for hoseok to reach to his knife that he dropped for yoongi and charge at the men, who now had to fight an enraged Hoseok and defend from the gunshots from namjoon and his men.

It didn't take long for a hoseok who had been itching to exert force to ravage a few bodies completely,  his thoughts were void, his hands were itching to tear Mike, limb by limb with a sinister expression that creeped the men who tried to run as they fell into hoseok's hands.

  he walked towards Mike who was pointing a gun at him.

" you think the Japanese will be quiet if u kill me? Heh you can't estimate the consequences for thi- Uh fuck"

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