🤱🏻Noah Jamie Andrews🤱🏻

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5 months later (Juliet is 7 1/2 months. Cheryl and Toni are adopted a daughter and she name is Sylvie. Veronica and Archie are also getting married and Veronica is 9 months pregnant)

Bettys pov 

me and jug were in bed, asleep when I hear my phone ring. I groan and unwrap myself from jugheads arms and I pick up my phone from the bedside table. I see is it Archie so I pick up "Archie, what do you want" "veronicas in labour. can you come to the Pembroke. she needs you" I sit straight up in bed and look over at jug who is now watching me curiously. "ok. we'll be there soon" I hang up and jug puts his hand on my thigh "who was that? what happened" "veronicas in labour and we need to go to the Pembroke" he sits up in bed as well and I quickly pull on some tracks and rush into Juliets room, she is laying there half awake. I pick her up and take her back to jug in our room. "ok, ive got Jules. lets go" we go down stairs and out into the car and drive to the pembrooke. when we get there I rush in, leaving jug behind with Juliet as a race upstairs to help my best friend.

when I get there I see Veronica in a lot of pain, bouncing up and down on a yoga ball. "vee, are you okay" "fuck Betty, does it look like I am" she snaps and I am taken back a bit "its fine. labour Veronica is bitchy Veronica" I laugh a bit at archies comment "ok vee, how long apart our your contractions "ugh think its 6 mins "how long has she been in labour" I ask archie "1 hour" "an hour. that was fast" I say and at that jughead comes in with Juliet asleep on his shoulder. "hey guys" I smile I sit on the edge of the coffee table and hold onto veronicas hands "okay vee, your moving along really quickly so we have to get you to the hospital soon. are you ready" she groans and clutches her swollen stomach "ugh Betty, the contractions are now 4 mins apart" "what. she needs to get to the hospital now." Veronica groans in pain at her contraction and we all help her stand up and go to the car. Archie and Veronica go in their car and me, jug and Juliet  in our car. We follow them and after 10 mins they pullover onto the side the road and we follow them to the side of the road. Archie frantically gets out of the car and runs over to them. jughead gets out and I follow him and I hear Archie frantically says "the baby's coming" "yeah we know thats why were driving to th-" "no jug. RIGHT NOW" we run back to the car swearing under our breath and the closer we get we can hear Veronica screaming loudly. "ok arch can you put the back seats down to make a flat area to lay vee down on" I say frantically holding onto veronicas hand "BETTY, AHHHH I CAN FEEL ITS HEAD" "its okay. just quickly move to the back, ok. jug call 911 or veronicas nurse or something" then we hear the cry of Juliet in the back of our car "FUCK I yell "jug go handle her" Veronica is now in the back seat with laying against archie as I help her take her underwear off. I see the baby head sticking out so I tell vee "ok you need to push Veronica" I hear her scream as she pushes and the baby comes out of her a bit more. when she stops, I look up at my best friend who is in tears and so sweaty "its ok vee. go again" she pushes again and the baby shoulders come out and honestly it looks disgusting and I feel sick. jughead comes over with Juliet still crying "Betty shes not stoping" I tear slips down my face cause I am so stressed. I am legit birthing my best friends baby in the back of her car in the middle of nowhere and my baby is crying and screaming behind us. when jughead looks down and sees veronica and her vagina been streched by the baby coming out of it "god thats not nice. ok Betty there's an ambulance on the way" he's says turning around. "oh fuckkkkk" Veronica screams "its ok vee. one more push" and with that last push there baby falls into my arms all bloody and slimy and slightly purple. "omg, ok here's your son vee" I put the crying baby into veronicas arms. I feel like I am about to vomit so I go over to a tree and puke over the roots. I feel jug rub my back a bit and when I stand back up and Juliet cry and screams in my ear. "ill take her" I reach my hands out but jug steps back and looks down at my hands and I realise they are covered in I dont even know what. i go back over to Veronica and say "uhh I think you need to cut the umbilical cord but I dont really have anything to do that with" Veronica groans as she sit up with the baby boy in her arms. "well this is going to be the best birth story ever" jughead says laughing and I give him a glare "sorry" he mumbles. do you have a blanket or some water to clean the baby up before the ambulance gets here" "yeah in the hospital bag" "ok ok" I get the blanket out and wipe down the baby and pour a bit of water over it and then I wrap it up in the blanket making him look less ugly. I pass him to Veronica and they smile and talk to each other and I walk away to give them some privacy. I go over to the bush and pour some water over my hands and clean all the stuff off of it and when I turn I see jug and I just collapse into him and he hugs me "far out did I really just birth a baby" "I think you did. you know nurse Betty is really hot" I laugh and slap him on the chest lightly. I look up at him and he kisses me quickly "I am so proud of you. you just birthed a baby. how do you even know how to do that" "well, if you dont recall I did just that 7 months ago when I- omg where's Jules" "its ok. she was just really tired and needed some food so I gave her a bottle and she is now asleep in the car" I let a breath of relief out and we go back over to Veronica and archie and there baby boy. "so what's his name" jug asks "Noah Fred Andrews" we smile and I say "thats a beautiful name vee" I smile and lean into jug admiring the baby who still hasn't had his umbilical cord cut. at that we here the sirens of the ambulance come down the road and we step back as we watch nurses flood out and start helping Veronica and archie and baby Noah and in no time they are all been driven off to the hospital. Another nurse comes up to me and asks us some questions and then tells us just to go home gets some rest and come to the hospital in the morning. then we talk to the police a bit and as we are about to leave some news vans pull up and start asking us even more questions but we just get in the car and drive home. 

over the next 5 months the story of a famous fashionista, Veronica Lodge gave birth to her baby in the back of her car and special agent Betty Cooper helped her. with that they all became a little famous in the small town of riverdale.

A/N: ok. I dont know how I feel about this chapter but its fine I guess. 9 more chapters left.

do you think I should do a sequel???

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