✨2nd birthday at Disney✨

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(3 months later and its two days before Juliets birthday. Betty is 7 months pregnant and they got back from the honeymoon 2 months ago)

jugheads pov

me and Betty are planning on surprising Juliet with a trip to Disneyland for her birthday since she is obsessed with belle from beauty and the beast. we just finishing packing our bags as we are leaving tomorrow. Betty closes her suitcase and toys to zip it up but its to full so she sits on it and try that but the belly gets in the way. "baby, do you need so help there" she giggles and nods. I zip up the suitcase that she is still siting on. I get back up and Betty reaches out a hand for me to help her to get up. she gets up with a grunt and flops into my arms. "ok, packing done. daughter asleep. baby stopped kicking so now..." she flops on the bed "we sleep". I help her get under the covers then take my shirt off and get in as well. we lay down facing each other and my arm rests on the side of her bump.  "are you excited to go to Disney tomorrow" "yeah but it kinda sucks cause I cant go on any rides" "yeah well you can watch us have fun while you baby-sit the children" she slaps my chest. Veronica, archie and noah are coming with as well because noah has never been to Disneyland just like Juliet. "Im kidding. you can just buy all the delectables you'd like" "ohh that sounds good." its silent for a bit and then I notice that she crying. I move my hand to her face and rub her tears away. "baby, what's wrong" "im just so sad that shes 2 already. the time has flown." I realise she must be extra emotional due to the pregnancy hormones so I pull her into me and she lays on my bare chest. "I know. but we still have 16 years with her so dont worry." she smiles and after a while she drifts off to sleep.

Bettys pov

The next day

I wake up at 9am to an empty bed. I sit up and get up and go downstairs where I find Juliet in her high chair, eating some dry cereal and jug is making some egg and bacon. "hey" I say tiredly and I rub my stomach. the baby was kicking a lot last night so it was hard to sleep. "hey honey, are you ok. you look tired" "I am. baby didnt stop kicking" I go up to jules and give her a kiss on the head and steal some of her cereal. "hey, this my wucky chawms" she says in frustration and it is adorable. "sorry, but eat up. we have a big day ahead of us" "whay" "well we have a suprise for you" "what" "we are going to Disneyland" "WEALLY" "Yeah" "YAY YAY. IM SO EXCITED. CAN WE GO NOW" she yells, standing up in her booster chair. "jules sit down. we are leaving in two hours for the airport" "so we going to be there on birthday" "yeah. and noah, aunty vee and uncle arch are coming too" "yessss" she does a small fist pump in the air. "ok do you want to go get some of your toys you want to bring." "okay" she says happily. I help her out of her chair and she runs off upstairs. I turn to jughead who has laid a plate of bacon, eggs, toast and spinach on a plate for me with some maple syrup over the bacon, which is my most recent craving. I sit down at the counter and thank jug before digging in. after I finish breakfast I go upstairs and help Juliet find something to wear. "so what do you want to wear to Disney" "me wear belle's dress" "baby, you cant wear that to the airport." she does her pouty face that is resizable but I stand strong. "you can wear it tomorrow when we go to Disneyland, ok" she slowly nods and instead help get changed.




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