🏡coming home🏡

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(lol thought was appropriate^^^^)

2 days later

Bettys pov

I am officially homesick. I have been in the hospital for 3 days now but I can finally go home. Juliet is doing great and so is jug but he is acting a little weird. I am doing well. I only got one tear from the birth and I do have a lot of extra skin but a lot less then I expected. I am a bit insecure but jug always makes me know he loves my body no matter what. I have started breast feeding Juliet and it feels a bit weird. jug keeps joking about "like father like daughter" whenever she is eating. 

jug helps me out of bed so I can sit down again in the wheelchair. jugs got all our bags in his hand and a nurse passes me Juliet after doing there final check up on her. I am lead out of the room and taken through the many corridor until we finally get out side. I breathe in the fresh air that I haven't had in 3 days and sigh. jug goes off quickly to get the car and I wait there holding our little baby wrapped up in a blanket to keep the harsh wind from her face (I honestly cant remember what time of the year it is in this book so im just gonna make it September lol. she was born on 4th September) when jug finally pulled up I put Juliet into her new baby seat and carefully buckled her up. I placed a kiss on her forehead and went round to the other side of the car and slid into the passenger seat. jug finished packing all our stuff into the boot and then came and started to drive. "ow... jug could you not hit every bump in the road" "sorry baby" he put his hand on my thigh and asked "how are you feeling" "better. still like a pushed a baby out of my vagina" I smiled and jug chuckled "well I love you for that. you brought our daughter into this world" he moved his hand to mine and squeezed it. "you excited to go home" "ugh yeah. I miss my bed and good food and oh jug can we get pops tonight" "ok" he said with a little laugh. I looked back and saw Juliet was asleep "oh thank god, Jules is asleep. she should sleep for the rest of the drive" we live 30 mins from the hospital so she could have a good sleep. we talked about Juliet, sleeping, being home for the next 15 mins and then jug asked "so when can you have sex again" I frown a bit and i sadly  say "6 weeks" "damn. I dont think I can last that long" "yeah neither but I definitely dont want to do it till im ready" "I know. and I won't rush you" I smile and we pull up to our house. I smile and just want to go in there and lay in bed with jug all day. I get out and go over to Jules in her seat and unclip her and she wakes up. she starts crying and I quickly pick her up and rock her in my arms until she quits down "Shhh, its okay baby" she quiets down as soon as jug comes over my shoulder. "shes such a daddy's girl already" I giggle. I peck him on the lips and the he wraps an arm around me and walk into our house. when I step in the door I am hit with a blast of warm heat and I ask jug "have you left the heater on the whole time we were at the hospital" he shakes his head and when we walk into our living room my jaw drops. "what the fuck" jug says and I stumble back as the woman comes towards me and Juliet. "hi jug. im here to see my granddaughter" 

A/N: hope you enjoyed. I will post another later so cause this is really short. 

I want to post another book where Betty is like a thief and jughead is a agent trying to catch her and they fall in love. what do you think???

please comment and vote.

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