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5 days later

Bettys pov

I am so tired. I haven't slept since I left the hospital because Juliet wakes up 3 times in the night and then slept through most the day. she pretty much nocturnal. I also have barley talked to jug because he has now gone back to work leaving me at home everyday with nothing really to do cause Jules just sleeps. I want to surprise jug at work today and some of our co workers can meet Juliet and then I might go to mums house after. I get into some comfy clothes and put Juliet into her car seat and we drive to school. when I get there I text jug. know he's on break.

sexy girl🥵💍: come out to the parking lot

baby daddy💖🥵: why???

sexy girl🥵💍: just do it

I wait in the car till I see jug pop up next to the car. I get out and kiss him "mmhm why ae you here" he says breaking the kiss. "I wanted to see you and I was bored" "but you have Jules" "do you realise how boring new borns are" I can see the bags under his eyes and the stubble on his face. he looks exhausted. I must look 10 times worse seeing as I have had less sleep then him. he just goes over to the car door and opens it and pulls Juliet out of her seat. he leans her against his chest and bounces her a bit "hey Julsie, I missed you" I smile and walk over to him and say "do you wanna go inside. I think it raining a bit" some of the students are on break so we try and go in with no one really noticing the baby in the car seat but of course a boy and a girl stop us in the corridor. "Betty, hey" its jellybean. she is with Conner and they are looking like there leaving. "oh hey guys. where are you going" "oh we both have a free period so where leaving early" "oh ok" jelly leans down to the car seat that has a nearly asleep Juliet in it and says "god I still cant get over how cute your baby is" she stands back up and asks "how have you guys been" I look at jug and then the bell goes so I say "ok do you wanna go into the staffroom and talk. there are free donuts" "ohhh yes" we go into the staffroom and Veronica and archie are on the couch doing some marking. "hey guys" I say and they look up "b, what are you doing here" "I was super bored so I came to visit you guys" I slowly sit down in the chair and se that Juliet is is asleep jug places her on the floor by my feet so I lean down and put the cover over her seat so she can sleep better. jb and Conner sit down on the other couch and jb asks "are you guys doing good" "no. we haven't slept since I left the hospital. I swear she nocturnal. she sleeps during the day but cries and needs attention in the middle of the night." Veronica clicks her tongue in a worring look and says "looks like we may have some restless nights ahead of us" I furrow my brows in confusion and then I realise "omg. Veronica are you pregnant" "yeah" I get up and hug her and archie and jug bro hug or whatever. "congrats guys" jb and Conner add in. I sit down and close my eyes a bit and feel jug rubbing his hands over and trough my hair. I moan a bit cause it feels good and I hear jb say "ewww get a room guys" I open my eyes and jug flips off jb "hey" jb says and shoves his shoulder and jug dramatically falls off the side of my chair. I hear Julie cry as she wakes up at the thud of jug on the floor. I roll my eyes "god. love this child to death but come on" I pick her up and start rocking her. she keeps crying and after 3 mins I pass her to jug and it doesnt work at first but after about 2 mins she quiets down. "archie, watch them and learn. your going to be doing this soon" "why not you" "well you mange the crying and the vommiting and poop stuff and ill push it out of me and use my boobs to feed the child" we all laugh. "uhh me and jb are gonna go home. Hailey is with Alice and she needs us to come home." Conner says "ok. say hi to Hailey for me pls" they leave and then I get up. "hey im gonna go home. I think Jules needs to eat soon" "ok. bye babe. bye julsie" I give him a kiss and go out into the now pelting rain and get in my car. I drive us home and when I do I give Juliet a bottle, to tired to breast feed and put her upstairs in her room. when I go into our room I just fall down the bed and finally sleep.

jugheads pov

I get home from work and I am just so exhausted and tired. "Betty I'm home" I yell as I walk in the door and take my coat off. I look around the living room and see its a mess. "Betty" I walk upstairs and into our room and I see my beautiful fiancé asleep on the bed. I go up to her and place a blanket over her and give her a kiss on the forehead and wakes up a bit and mumbles "jug" "shhhh baby sleep" she sighs happily and falls asleep again. I go over to Julies room and see her also asleep in the bassinet. I decide to go downstairs and clean up the lounge room to take the stress off Betty when she wakes up. I finish folding clothes, I put away plates and baby bottles, I put pillows back on the couch, I put all of Jules toys away and finally I go back upstairs and flop down onto the bed and sleep with Betty.

A/N: I hate this. I am sorry it's shit. I have writers block. do you have any requests or ideas. 

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