😵oh no😵

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jugheads pov

I had finally got home from the fib station where I had just meet with lizzie and the team and set up the plan for tomorrow. I go hime and plopped down on my bed and cried my shelf to sleep. 

3 hours later at 3pm

I woke to a loud bang down stairs and a muffled scream. I jump up and run down the stair s worried that something had happened and I turned into the living room to see dad, jb and Alice tied up to the chair with a gag in their mouth. "what the f-" than I heard a a gun cock and the cold metal of it hit the back of my head. "hello baby" I knew that voice. it was a voice I never wanted to hear again. I slowly put my hands upend turned while saying "don't shot Ethel" when I could see her she just smirked at me. "what's up. I haven't seen you in a while. I mean not since the day you fucked me senseless" she said slyly, knowing it would annoy me and my family. "we both know that you took advantage of me when I was drunk." "maybe or maybe not. but I don't care anymore. I've got a new guy for me" "what do you want" "we want you to do what you tell us" says an unknown voice from behind me. I turn to see and I drop my hands to my side. "YOU" I yell "yes me" "YOU ARE A MONSTER. YOU KIDNAPPED MY PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND. WHERE IS SHE YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH" "right now... Betty is on her way here" "what" "yeah shes coming here. so im gonna tie you up and when Betts gets here were gonna make her watch everyone she loves be killed right in front of her" "please don't do that" "well I mean I could. but I don't want to." he said and tapped his gun on my chest "NOW GO SIT ON THE CHAIR" he yells and they both point there guns at me so I have no option but to sit down. they tie me up and wrap a gag around my mouth. I look to my side and see dad who is knocked out and bleeding in the head and Alice who is crying about fp and jb is quietly sobbing terrified. I just sit there and lean my head back, closing my eyes. Bettys coming here. into this death trap. and then I rembeber the gun that Betty had hidden in the top of the toilet in the bathroom. if I could somehow convince them to let me get there I could get the gun and save us. "hey glen Ethel. could I please go to the bathroom. im busting" "hell no" "pleaseeeee. I need to shit and pee and if I don't do you really wanna know what happens. my shit stinks man" "oh god fine" yes. these dumb shits really just let me go. I rush to the toilet and grab the gun out of the toilet. they had taken my phone when they tied me up so I couldn't get in contact with her. i got some strapping tape from the medicine cupboard and strapped the gun to my back so they couldn't see it. I broke a pair of scissors and slipped one of the blades up my flannel shirt. I went back into the living room and they tied me back up. they didnt even pat me down the dummies. as they finished tying me up the was posing at the door. "now you 4 shut up. our guest has arrived." glen went over to Ethel and they both went up to the door and glen opened it to reveal my beautiful girlfriend. god I missed her. I was so happy that she was okay. Betty looked horrified that glen was in the house and when he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside. are eyes met and she looked at me with heart eyes and I reicitapted. I looked down at her stochmach and a small bump was there now. she is about 3 months now and I just want to kiss her. i know she is about to be tied up and this whole time I was cutting away at the duck tape around my hands. I looked at her and and gave her a look that said "are you ready". she nodded slightly as glen walked up to her with the tape. "sit down bitch" glen said and at that I jump out of my chair and chuck the gun at Betty. she grabs it and hottly puts it up in front of her clicking it. I go behind Ethel while there distracted by Betty and the gun and tap Ethel on the shoulder she turns around and I snatch the gun out of hand and then point it at her. "drop the weapon glen" I say. he slowly lowers his hands as well as the gun but not before shooting it. right at my dad. "DAD" I run up to him and he is bleeding from the stomach. I look behind me and Betty has now gotten some handcuffs and cuffed glen and Ethel to the radiator. she runs over and unties Alice and jb and I already had dad undone and lying on the floor. "mum call 911" Betty screams. Alice races off and grabs the home phone and dials 911. within minutes we here the sirens of the ambulance and all of our hands are covered in blood trying to stop it from spilling out of dad. I still haven't gotten the chance to say hello to Betty. the paramedics run in with police officers behind them. the paramedics take dad onto a stretcher all working around him. the police take away glen and Ethel and I finally turn to Betty and she does to me and I pick her up in to a hug. she wraps her legs around my waist and we stay there for a minute before I hear her crying, which makes me cry. "hi" she sniffles "hey" I say back. and then we kiss. the sensation of her tongue swirling around mine and her hot mouth as our lips smush together in a passionate kiss. I pull back and we put our foreheads together. "I missed you so much betts" "god me too" and then I go down on her towards her belly and there is a bump. our baby is in there. I put my hands on the slightly rounded stomach and kiss it softly. "god jug. your so cute" I go back up and hug her again. we hear sniffling and we turn to see jb crying while staring at us "what" we say in unison. "you guys are so cute" jb says  "and dad just lost 200 bucks" "omg you guys where betting on us" I say  "yeah and I won" she says fist pumping in the air. Betty giggles and I just kiss her cheek. "no the time jb, you do realise he got shot" "yeah. this isn't the first time. he always pulls through" "so your not worried one bit" "Nope" "what a great attitude" Alice went in the ambulance with dad so I just sit down on the couch with my girl, sister and unborn baby and we switch the tv on before the police come to question us about everything that happened. 

A/N: heyyyy guys! I hope you like this chapter. I didnt like it that much but its just kinda how it played out ig. It willl get better from here on out. I promise. lots of bughead😁

please go read my new book love and royalty. its super cute. ily

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