🤱🏼Juliet Alicia Jones🤱🏼

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bettys pov

our little baby is passed into my arms as soon as I hear her cry. shes beautiful and so small. "h-hiii" I stutter still crying. jug wraps and arm around my shoulder and she opens her eyes and there a beautiful blue. the same as jugs. the nurse pick her back off my chest and goes off to clean her up. "jug go with her" I say and he nods and leaves my side. I lean my head back and close my eyes. the nurse helps me take my legs off the stern ups. I am in a little pain but it goes away as soon as I see jug coming back over with our baby wrapped up in a blanket. the tears come back to my eyes and jug lays the baby in my arm. I smile and giggle a bit. I looked back up to jug and stare at his eyes, the same as the baby in my arms. "she has your eyes." "but your nose, lips and hair" I smile and jug kisses my temple. "hey there Juliet"

1 hour later

the nurses have finished doing everything post birth and I am now alone with jug in our room. he's doing skin to skin with her and I am just resting in the bed watching them. when he finishes he puts her back into my arms and i kiss her forehead. "god she looks so scarily like you" I giggle and peck his lips "do you want to call our friends and family in. they have been waiting for hours" he nods and kisses me again. I am so tired after giving birth and not having any sleep last night but I cant sleep yet. I hear a happy sequel and jug shhhing them and mum, fp and jb apear in the door. they wash there hands and then jb runs over to me and sequels "ahhh its a girl. dad you owe me $50" "what you bet on her" jb shrugged and said "yeah. easy money" dad handed her a note and me, jug and mum just laughed. "can I hold her" mom asks. I nod and pass the baby to her. "what's her name" I look at jug and we say at the same time. "Juliet Alicia Jones" they all awww and then I say "Juliet was the name jug used to call me when we first started dating, Alicia after my mother" I look at mum and she starts crying and looking at Juliet "and jones, our last name. technically" I smile and look down at my ring. jug sits down on the side of my bed and places his hand on my thigh. mum hands Jules to fp and then to jb and they all leave. I just want to sleep now but our friends still need to come in. Veronica, archie, Kevin, fangs, Cheryl and toni come in. they wash there hands and came over to the baby who is in jugs arms. "its a giiiiiirl" Veronica whispers yells" I smile and jug sits back down next to me and wrap an arm around me. I lean into him and close my eyes but are spring open when I hear Juliet cry. she is now in archies arms, crying so he just passes her off to cheryl "hey cousin 2.0" cheryl says and everyone laughs. I pry my eyes open and watch as they pass her around, comment and play around with her. when they finally leave, jug puts Juliet into her see through bassinet and we call the nurse so she can help me go to the toilet and then get me into my pjs. the nurse comes in and jug and the nurse help me stand up. it hurts to walk and I waddle to the toilet in pain. I am lowered onto the toilet and the nurse leaves me and jug alone. when I finish, jug helps me stand up again. I waddle back to the bed with jug clutching onto my side. I sit on the edge of the bed and jug helps me get changed. he unclips my bra and I get a bit insecure. I think he can tell so he kisses the area between my neck and shoulder. it does make me feel better. when I am changed I slowly slip under the bed covers and rest my head back on the pillows. I am about to close my eyes when jug grabs my face and kisses me. I obviously kiss back and when he pulls back I giggle and ask "what was that for" "I just love you so much and want you to know that no matter what happens I will always love you" I smile and give him a kiss again "have a good sleep baby" and at that I fall asleep. 

jugheads pov 

now that Bettys asleep, im gonna go talk to our friends. I walk out of the room and everyone is still there except for choni and kangs. I sit down and breath out, dad looks at me questionably. "what's wrong son" I rake a hand through my hair and put both of them on top of my head. "nothing. I am just working for no reason" dad pats my knee and says "what's worring you. was it that fight you guys had. are you guys ok" "yeah where fine. but it was what started the fight" I pull my phone out from my pocket and open up the text and pass it to him "I think its mum" Betty doesnt know this but my mum was arrested 3 years ago for drug dealing and murder. shes a dangerous woman. "if she found out about me and Betty and Juliet... nothing can happen to them. there my everything" "well shit. you have to tell Betty" "I cant. she just had a baby. shes emotional and I f I tell her that Juliet and well her. are in danger she will freak" fp, Alice, Veronica and archie all nod "well you do need to tell her" "fine but not today" I nod and then I realise how tired I am. "ok. im going to get some sleep" I go back into our room and see our little Juliet laying there searching the room with her eyes. I smile and kiss her cheek before picking her up. I rock her in my arms until she sleeps again. I put her back in her bed and I go over the uncomfortable couch and lay down for asleep but I cant with the bothering thought of my mother taking my betts or Juliet.

A/N: hope you enjoy. please go and read my other books. love you guys

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