💍Wedding reception💍

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Bettys pov

"now I present, mr and mrs jones" Veronica says into a microphone and me and jug walk out holding hands and smiling. everyone cheers and claps for us and we go off and hug all our family. Juliet is jumping up and down and I pick her up. "mama you look so petty" I smile and press my lips to her forehead "you do to jules" I put her down and she runs off to play with Hailey and noah. I turn and see mum, with tears in her eyes and she gives me a hug and then I do the same with fp, Veronica, polly and archie before I hear Veronica say "now Betty and jughead will share there first dance as husband and wife" I turn with a smile and see jug holding his hand out to me and as I grab it the song "I cant help falling in love"  starts playing. jug pulls me onto the dance floor and I giggle as he spins me and my dress floats out around me. when I fall back into his arms I look into his eyes and wrap my arms around his neck and I feel his hands gently rest  on my hips. I remember the small child growing inside me and I think I want to tell him now. we keep dancing and our foreheads touch as we sway to the song. I then lay my head on his chest and my heart starts pounding as I lift my head up to look into his deep blue eyes again. I hear him whisper "I love you" we keep swaying and I look into his eyes, full of love and whisper "jug, im pregnant" he stops moving and looks shocked but I prod him to keep dancing "wait... seriously" I nod and he grabs my face abruptly and kisses me as the song ends. Everyone cheers and claps again and we are surrounded by our family and friends. when I finally get free of the hugs and congratulations jug pulls me over to a table and sits me down carefully as everyone else starts chatting and dancing. he takes my hand in his and asks "when did you find out" "like 2 hours before I walked down the aisle. I had this big freak out that you didnt want another baby but then Veronica told me about what you said to arch and I knew that no matter what you would still love me" "and I do. I love you Betty Cooper. and our little baby" I kissed him with lots of passion and he kisses me back. we start making out but we get interrupted by Juliet pulling on my dress and yelling "mama, mama stop kissing dada and come dance with me" I giggle and she grabs my arm and pulls me to the dance floor. I turn to jug with a giggle and give him a quick kiss before running off with Jules. I go onto the dance floor amongst many guest and I twirl Juliet around. she giggles and starts doing this cute little body shimmy. everyone has kind of stoped dancing and our watching us. "mama, look at me" she does a little twirl and then falls on the floor and giggles and then stands up and keeps dancing. I cant wait for her to be alongside a little brother or sister. I feel tears come into my eyes and I giggle as she falls again and the tear slips down my face. I sit down in one of the chairs on at table. I grab a glass of champagne that is there before remembering im pregnant. I drop my head back and close my eyes and run my hands over my eyes. when I was pregnant with Juliet I got really tired and emotional so I guess its the same with this baby. I run my hand over my teeny tiny baby bump that is barley noticeable. I feel a kiss on my cheek and I open my eyes and see jughead sitting in the chair next to me. "hey, have you been crying" I just nod a little bit and he wraps an arm around me "jug im fine its just pregnancy hormones" he kisses my forehead and then we hear a yell behind us "YOUR PREGNANT" We have turn around to see cheryl and toni standing there mouths open and everyone turned around to us. I look at jug and we stand up. I move in closer to him and whisper "all our friends and family are watching, do you just want to tell them" He nods. I turn to everyone and say "ugh so me and jug actually have some news. WE'RE PREGNANT" everyone starts cheering and congratulating us and I am stormed by people hugging me and jug. then I feel Juliet pulling on my dress again and I look down and bend down to her level. "mama, why are you and daddy pregnant" I giggle and I see jughead bend down next to me "ok Juliet, I am pregnant which means that I am having a baby" "so im gonna have a liffle swister or broder" "yeah" "YAY! hay hay (jules nickname for Hailey) im gonna be big swister" and with that Juliet is off again yelling to everyone she sees about our news. I laugh and then I feel a tap on my back. its fp "Betty, would you like this once with me" I smile and take his hand and we go onto the dance floor. "im so happy for you guys... even if you are step siblings. I can see the love that he has for you. trust me in those 5 years you were apart he was miserable but now he is a lovesick teenager again. you both love each other dearly and you make adorable grandchildren" I smile and look over at jug "you have an amazing son, father in law" I say the last bit very sarcastically. he chuckles and the song ends. I hug him and he goes to take my mum on a dance floor.

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