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1 month later (Bettys 7 1/2 months)

jugheads pov

today is jb, Conner and clare's (jb's bff) prom. me and jug are baby sitting Hailey for them because dad and Alice are chaperoning. Betty was really tired, having swelling feet, sore back and itchy stomach from the pregnancy. the girls are upstairs getting ready and the boys are done stairs with us. dad and Alice are fussing over Hailey, Conner and Alex (clares date) are talking in the kitchen and I am rubbing Bettys feet. "god jug this pregnancy is killing me." "awww im sorry baby" she moans a bit as I keep rubbing her feet. Betty sat up with a groan and said "im gonna go upstairs to see how the girls are going" she says. as she walks past me, I slap her ass and she yelps a bit in surprise and then giggles. she walked up the stairs in my shirt and some track pants and looked so fucking sexy.

Bettys pov

I walked upstairs and went into jbs room and saw the jelly doing clares make up. I walked over to the bed and plopped down on it "you girls are looking beautiful" they still weren't in there dresses yet but they had there make up on. "thanks bettsy. how's Hailey" "good mum and fp are fussing over her" "mhm. how do yo feel" "so sore. everything hurts. my back, my feet, my stomach. I just cant wait till he comes out." "11 for a boy" jb yells. the whole family have been counting how many times we call the baby a boy or a girl cause we have been playing with them since they don't know what her gender is. I just giggle at that. then jb and clare go into the bathroom to get into their dresses.

 then jb and clare go into the bathroom to get into their dresses

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jb's dress

clare's dress

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clare's dress

when the girls came out my mouth dropped a bit. they looked beautiful. the theme for there senior prom was winter wonderland so there dresses fitted there theme. "omg guys... you look amazing." the smiled and put there shoes on and finished off there bits and pieces. i walked out and yelled from the top of the stairs "there coming." they walked down and the boys just stared at them in awe. fp had a few tears coming to his eyes and jug who was holding Hailey looked at his sister like she was a stranger. then I walked down the stairs in my sweat pants and jugs t-shirt and jug smiled "ahhh there's my beautiful princess" I blushed and walked over to them with everyone laughing. they took some pictures and smiled before jb and Conner said good bye to Hailey and ran off with there friends and into the limo with there larger group of friends inside. shortly after that mum and fp left to do there chaperoning and jug and I were left in the Cooper-jones house hold. "hey jug, im hugreyyyy" I whined "god please tell me you dont have some crazy craving right now" "wellllll... I could go for some ice cream fries. ohh and some chicken nuggets. can we pllllls go to maccas (lol thats Australian for McDonalds)" but what about Hailey" jug asked. I looked over at the sleeping baby on jugs chest and smiled. that would be our kid soon. I rubbed my stomach and replied "she already asleep. just plop her in the car seat and off we go" he smiled and said "fine" I fist pumped and kissed him on the cheek before saying "thank you" and running off to get the car seat and some more stuff for Hailey. I changed her into some pjs before I strapped her into her car seat and snuggled her up in some blankets. this was good practice for when baby girl comes. jug picked her up and strapped her into our car and we left for maccas. the whole drive Hailey slept and the whole time jug had his hand on my thigh. I loved him so much. I looked at the beautiful ring on my finger and closed my eyes and slowly drifted off.

A/N: hey guys. sorry for not updating this week. I am on holidays so I might not post much. I will post more tomorrow or the next day tho. I also realised that I called Conner, Logan in the first chapter he was in so I fixed that lol. 

do you guys think I should make a one shot or smut book. let me know

pls vote and comment. love you guys.

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