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jugheads pov 

when I stepped into the living room, I dropped all the bags on the floor. "what the fuck" I said as I saw my mum turn around from the fire in our living room. she started to walk towards Betty who was still holding Juliet wrapped in the blanket. she stepped back and looked kinda scared and worried "hey jug, im here to see my granddaughter" "mum? what the fuck do you want. is it money" "no jug. I am here to see my granddaughter. I stood infront of Betty and Juliet and said "yeah right. you didnt come to my graduations or my funeral for that matter so I dont believe any of this bs about wanting to see my daughter" "well first of all. you weren't really dead" "YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT" I yell and I hear Juliet start crying behind me. "well ok, so I have been on the run for 3 years now" I grimace not wanting Betty to know about this but I know she will stay there "I went and lived with my boyfriend glen but then he left all of a sudden and never came back so I couldn't stay cause the police would evenly track me down or something and they where still looking for me  for my drug dealing and od-ing that one girl.  so I came here and well I was hoping you could let me find somewhere to stay or... give me some money?" "fuck no" but I didnt say that. I turned to Betty and she was death staring my mum "im not letting the person who KILLED MY BEST FRIEND LIVE ANYWHERE NEAR ME OR MY FAMILY." she walks over and puts Juliet in my arms and the goes over and slaps mum in the face. "you bitch. you killed my best friend and you dont even care. you realise that you legit just walked into the house of a FBI agent and willingly confessed. yeah your done here gladys" she went over to her fbi jacket hanging on the wall by the front door and took cuffs out and hotly put them on my mother. "damn she so fucking hot... not the time jughead" I thought she sat down on the couch and called some people and with in the next 20 minutes police came and took her away.

1 hour later

Betty was sitting on the couch after putting Juliet down for a lap and I came over and sat next to her "well that was the best welcome home present ever, now wasn't it" she giggled and leaned into me "im sorry I didnt tell you about my mum even thought I dont think I needed to" "mmhm" "what happened" "well when I was in the fbi training I became friends with this girl and we became best friends. she was a writer but she didnt share much about herself which should of been my red flag. one day I caught her tripping out on some coccanie and I found out she was a drug addict and dealer. since she was my best friend I didnt report her so I decided to do some digging and I found out that your mum was her boss and I watched her force jess to take bigger dose of heroine that made her overdose and... die. I watched her die. so I then reported gladys to my boss and they have been searching for her for 3 years now. I wasn't allowed to take her case cause I was to connected with jess dining and the fact that my ex boyfriends mum was the drug dealer they were looking for" she said and a million things went through my mind I must of been quite for a while cause Betty cocked her head and said "jug" "was this jess by chance Jessica Raymond" Betty raised her eyebrows and causiouly said "yes" "omg. you where the anonymous tip. and you where Jessies friend they were talking about. holy shit" "what the hell are you on about" "jessie was my ex-girlfriend" "omg you where the toxic ex still in love with his high school girlfriend." I scrunch up my face and say "I wasn't in a good place. me and jessie met in Iowa and we started doing you know fuck buddies and then after 6 months we decided to date but at this point I was still hung up on you. I was drinking and doing weed and pills and stuff. I was getting terrible writers block which didnt help and then me and jess were always fighting. I think we realised we were toxic for each other and when she started getting into the drug business I knew that was it. we had a big blow up and then she left for New York and I went to Chicago where I met brook and ect." "god this is crazy." "I know" I hug her and we cuddle on the couch. its only 5pm but I am starving as normal and Betty hasn't had any proper food in 3 days. "betts do you wanna get pops and we can watch a movie." she nods "ok. can I come with you. and want to see pop and Tabitha (so yeah shes in this now and there all friends) and they can meet Jules. ok. Betty went to go get Jules and we got in the car and drove the 10 min drive to pops. 

when we go there me, Betty and Jules all went into pops. "we heard a squeal as soon as we entered and Tabitha ran up to us and hugged Betty who whined a bit in pain at the sudden hug. "oh sorry Betty" "its ok" she walked to me and looked at Jules and then back at Betty "she looks just like you Betty. she so cute" "thanks" Betty said. i passed Juliet into Tabithas arms and she started crying "omg tabs dont cry. your gonna make me cry" "well thats ok im meeting the cutest baby ever" "well I pushed the cute baby out of my body a few days ago so im really emotional" Betty cried while giggling. I went over and wrapped and a arm around her. I kissed her forehead and watched as Tabitha played with Juliet. then pop came out of the back and he saw Juliet and he smiled "oh my, Betty jughead. shes beautiful. god I remember when you two where just babies and now look at this you have your own baby" "yeah grandpa. your getting old" we all laughed. me and jug ordered our food and we sat done in a booth to wait "hey Jules, this is pops. your daddy is pretty much made of pops burgers and fries" Betty says in the baby voice of Jules and I laugh. Juliet makes a gurgling kind of sound cause she can't really make much noise. then she starts crying and Betty tries to shhhh her "damn it. she's hungry" Betty says. Betty hasn't started pumping yet so she has to breast feed her here. I go out to the car and grab a really thing blanket to cover Betty and when I went back in and passed it to her with the crying baby in her arms. Betty put the blanket over her and pulled the side of her shirt down  and attached Jules to her boob and she shut up "whew. first parenting disaster solved" betts says and we high 5. Tabitha comes over to us and gives us our food in the take out bags. we said our goodbyes. and we went into the car. Betty sat with Juliet still eating because we couldn't drive till she was done. after 10 mins Betty put Juliet back into her car seat and we headed home. when we got home we put julie to sleep and ate our food on the couch. 

Betty was cuddled up infront of me and i was spooning her on the couch. we had finshed our pops and we are now watching shes the man on the tv. i think betty is about to fall asleep so i say "betts. do you wanna go to bed." she groans a yes and i help her walk up the stairs. she gets into her pajamas and she has to wear these nappy things cause shes still bleeding from the birth. she gets into bed and falls asleep almost instantly and i go downstairs and clear everything up. i then go back up to bed and take my shirt and jeans off and hop in bed next to betty snuggled in my shirt. i feel her turn and rest on my chest so i pat her head until i also fall asleep.

A/N: sorry for the late post. hope you enjoyed. 

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