Chapter 57 : Rituals

Start from the beginning

She let out a small quiet moan of pleasure and pain and Hoseok immediately pulled away with a bright expression.

Yu walked over to Namjoon who wore a very serious expression, like he was still thinking of some complicated plan to make this ceremony more effective. Yu put a kiss on his neck before going in for the bite and she fell his body lose most of the tension it held the moment prior.

Namjoon caressed the girls neck and lifted her head up, bending forward and pulling her closer to him by her waist before sinking his teeth on the upper part of her breast that her dress left exposed.

Once he let go of her, he licked a drop of blood off his lips and smiled deviously.

It was Taehuyng's turn now and he looked like it was taking him all of his strength to keep himself from jumping on her. When Yu went in for her bite at his neck, she was surprised to hear him let out a faint groan.

Cute, she thought.

She expected a bashful expression to be attached to that kind of voice, but when she stepped away, Tae's expression was predatorial. He kneeled in front of Yuki as she gave him a confused expression. He slowly pulled the hem of her dress up to reveal part of her thighs, before biting slowly on the sensitive skin of her inner thigh, drawing a moan out of her.

Taehuyng looked pretty satisfied with his performance by the time Yu walked away, pulling her dress back down.

Jimin wore a soft smile and he grabbed Yu by the waist to pull her tight against him as she bit his neck. He pushed her hair back softly and covered her collarbones in kisses, before he finally settled on a spot to leave his mark. His bite was rough and strong, but it didn't feel like Hoseok's which was purposely so, it kind of felt like Jimin was just so lost in the moment that he forgot his own strength. To be honest, Yu only found pleasure in the the faint pain radiating from her collarbone.

When she stood in front of Jungkook, his expression betrayed his nerves. Yu ran her hand softly through his hair and was extremely careful with her bite. Jungkook didn't budge as she marked him, but when it came turn for him to give Yu his mark, he froze.

He was probably worried of hurting her, just like Jin. Yu's hand caressed Jungkook cheeks and her thumb made her way to his lip, as she gave him a reassuring smile.

Jungkook took a deep breath and took her hand gently, before biting the side of it. Just deep enough to leave a mark but not too deep as to hurt her of reach bone.

Of course; he was a natural at this also.

Yu's heart was beating at an abnormal pace, her senses were cranked up so much that every rustling of leave felt deafening, the starlight was intense enough to burn her eyes and she felt a thousand different emotions at once. Her chest felt like it was burning as her heart kept on beating harder and faster.

She blinked a couple of times to try and shake these scary feelings off and her irises alternated between their normal honey brown and a bright shining yellow every time her eyelids reopened.

Her breathing got jagged and she felt like she was going to faint.

Did they fail? Could her body not withstand the strain of seven mates?

Her legs were giving up under her weight and she was feeling herself falling backwards.

''Everybody! Just calm down, she can feel all our emotions right now, if you freak out, so will she!'' Yoongi said, coming closer to hold onto Yuki's arm and taking a deep breath in an out.

Yu looked at Yoongi's eyes and she felt his struggle to remain calm and his quiet strength. The rest of the boys imitated him, breathing slowly and Yu could almost feel the air go from their lungs into hers.

She was getting used to her new, sharp, senses, but the spot on her arm were Yoongi was touching her was sending chills through her veins. Her whole body felt like it was burning from the inside and the only relief she could find was Yoongi's cooling touch.

She looked at Yoongi and saw an expression she had never witnessed on his face, she knew he was thinking exactly the same thing she did.

She turned her head to meet the gazes of the rest of the boys and her voice spoke out weekly and shaking, like a plea.

''I... need you...'' she said, her body aching with a desire so burning she thought she would melt alive.

The men's eyes changed, their expression turning into something hungry and lustful as they closed in around her.

Their individual passions burned in synergy and fed the larger fire of their shared desire.

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