Special Chapter

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Author POV

So, here's a little story about Tae and Y/n..like as in a few years later from where I "ended" the story. Also thank you soo much for so many reads omg..that's insane..if you read the bottom parts of my chapters you'll know that I had like 300 a few months ago wow. Thank you!


I woke up in my bed, light from the sun shining through the window brightly, making me squint my eyes.

I looked to the side to see the love of my life. Kim Taehyung..

Of course almost 5 years ago now I wouldn't have thought this but...he helped me to love him..and I really really do.

Goodness, it has actually been 5 years...felt like just yesterday..but we're happy.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was about 8:00. I should get up and make breakfast for us. I sat up and looked back at Tae, he was so handsome and adorable when he slept. So different from when he is awake. His duality will never cease to amaze me.

Just as I was about to get out of bed, I felt someone tug on my shirt, and then hold my hand. I look back to see Tae gripping my wrist with his eyes still half shut.

"Where are you going? Mrs. Kim?" He asked in his deep morning voice that gives me shivers every time I hear it.

I'm going to make breakfast.." I said with a slight laugh at his babyish acting.

"Please stay a bit longer.." he groaned. I giggled and pulled my hand away gently.

"Nooo Tae.."

He sat up and opened his eyes all the way. Then gave me a cute glare as I walked out of the room. Now to wake up my actual babies.

Yes, me and Taehyung decided to have kids.

We have two girls, twins. And they're the most adorable things you can have ever seen.  We decided to name them May and Mable. Both 3 years old now.

I walked into their rainbow colored room and walked to their beds that were side by side.

"Girls..my little princesses..wake up please."  I Gently sung to them.

They both opened their eyes and sat up. They were at that age where they were very enthusiastic about everything.

"Mama..!" May said, "can we have pancakes today?" She asked. I looked at her sister and saw her puppy eyes. I sighed and nodded with a smile. They loved their chocolate chip pancakes.

I then helped them get dress and went downstairs to start cooking.

While I was mixing the batter, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. And I knew exactly who it was.

"Pearl, you're making pancakes?" He asked. Yea, he still calls me that.

I hummed back at him as a yes and continued to mix the batter. He put his face into my neck, giving me light kisses in it. I rolled my shoulders back at the ticklish feeling and giggled at him.

"Tae~~ I'm trying to cook here.."I said to him, with I slight whine in my voice.  He chuckled.

"But I love you, and I need to show you all my love..so we can have a boy next time." He said and I could feel the smirk that he had on his face. My face felt heated after what he said.

"No..I- I don't know.." I said as I tried to form sentences. His kisses were becoming more less sweet, and rather him trying to make hickies..

"Well, I guess we'll "talk" about it tonig-" he was cut off by two little girls hugging our legs.

He looked down to see Mable and May there smiling at us.

"Good morning, dada.." said Mable. And May nodded along as to agree with her sister.

"Aww good morning my beautiful girls." Tae said as he picked them both up. One in each arm. The girls giggled cutely at their father and Tae seemed to forget what he was saying about making more with me. Which I was happy about.


Then, I served us all breakfast. Our girls got chocolate all over their faces so me and Tae had to clean them almost after every bit.

Taehyung POV

I looked at Y/n with love shinning in my eyes. And I looked at my baby girls with just as much love.

Life is really perfect...it really can be.

And although I want to make even more babies with my beautiful wife..I'm perfectly happy right now.

The end.

《Ahhh I hoped you all like this. I'm sorry it's not longer but I wanted to make you guys happy with at least this sold ending》

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