Chapter Sixteen

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I was on my boat again, The Telepathy. I was at the front of the boat. Looking out to the sea. It was beautifully blue. So deep and dangerous..but The sky was bright and cloudy. The way that the sun shone through the clouds were like cotton candy.

"Y/n?" I heard that deep, calming voice call me. I turned to see someone who I had been missing..Joonie..

"Joon!" I grinned.

"Y/niee, do you want to..."  he was smiling so wide. But held a nervous vibe around him.

"Yes..? Namjoonie?"

"Want me?" I widened my eyes, even though I knew that that was going to happen.

The happiness that started to build up inside of me grew and grew. I was so overwhelmed.

"Yes..! I- I would love to go out woth you!"

"Yeah, we could go to that restaurant you always wanted to go to. But I don't know when that will be."

"Why can't it be now?" I asked.

"Because," he started. Everything around me started to fade into whiteness, "you have to wake up first.."

"Wake upp~~" I looked around and my boat, Namjoon, and everything was fading away.

"No!" I screamed.

"Bye, y/ you.."

I sat up immediately. Looking to myeft and right. Finally seeing Taehyung sleeping sleeping my right. 

He slept to easily. How? Maybe because he was drunk just a few hours ago.

I didn't feel very tired anymore. That dream had shaken me up. I have really grown to miss my old life.

"Pearl?" I looked to my right again and heard a deep, raspy voice say my not so favorite nickname.

Taehyung stared at me. His dark eyes coldy looked at me. Almost like he Was staring into my soul. It sent a shiver up my spine.

"Why are you up? It's about 4 a.m.." he asked me, looking at the clock across the room.

"Couldn't sleep..bad dream." I said. Not interested in talking.

He sat up too. I sighed, I was hoping he woud just go back to sleep.

Once he sat up, the blanket feel and his whole torso and chest was exposed. Leaving his smooth upper half to the seen by me. I looked away, I'm not some pervert like him..

"I'm shirtless...why?" He asked, looking down at his body with a smirk. Great..

"Nothing really, you were- you were drunk.." I kinda mumbled out the words.

"Hmm I don't remember that." I looked at him and he looked down pouting.

"Yeah, most drunk people don't remember. They usually just feel the pain..sometimes take it out on other people." I whispered the last part. I didn't let him hear the last part.

"Hmm? Oh..hmm.." he nodded. Then smirked at me.

"Did..we do anything? You know.." he gave me a wink, which I returned with a look of disgust.

"You- I'm going to sleep." I let my head fall down and closed my eyes. I heard him chuckle then the ruffling of the sheets. He probably went down to sleep too

((TIME SKIP, next Morning))

Taehyung POV

I think Y/n is warming up to me. She seemed to understand me more. It makes me very happy. Maybe she loves me..
Or maybe she's faking it? Noo she can't.

Throughout the past few days, I've become more upset with my father. He's always been bad. But the past few years he's changed.

I mean, since my mother passed he's kinda taken the pain out on me. Her loss was a big deal to him.

Not because he loved her, but because now he didn't have anyone to hurt. Anyone to abuse...

Now I was his target, although, I'm afraid Y/n may become his next target. The way he looked at her during dinner wasn't normal. And I made sure to tell him it wasn't.

I may have had a few drinks to calm myself. But..still.. I was doing the right thing..

《Ahh, I am very sorry these are getting short. I'm bad at making things long. I'm not one to make a super detailed story besides stating the obvious. But I still hope you enjoy

Have a great day/night love ya》

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