Chapter Four

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Taehyung POV

Her eyes...

They were purely innocent, a precious pearl..

I smirked at her. Her face was a mix of shook and confusion. It made me satisfied.

"Um..uh..sorry.." she started.

"Sorry? To me? What are you sorry for?" I asked  with fake sympathy dripping in my tone.

"I- I'm not sure."

Hmm. I wasn't realy expecting her to be so honest about her lack of knowledge. Well I might as well get to the point.


"I want you to marry me."

I widened my eyes at his words. Marriage? I don't even know him- heck I don't even  know where I am.

I looked at Jungkook. He had a very plain expression. But I could tell he was surprised by what the "king" said. I glared around the room and saw everyone else wasn't keeping their shock to themselves. Everyone had a very surprised look. Why?

"Y/n.." my attention was drawn back to the did he know my name?

"Well? What do you think? It doesn't matter, as we will be married either way." He said with a dismissive voice, as if this was just another thing on his to-do list.

"" I said very unsure of everything.

"Like I said, it matters not what you think." His attention went to Jungkook, making Jungkook straighten out.

"Take our guest back to my room."

Wait..back? The room i was in before was his? Oh my..

Jungkook elbowed me a bit, making me slump forward. Thinking about all the stairs we went down, now to go back up them. How fun.

((Time Skip))

I was back in that dark blue room. I had so many questions. I Needed answers to.

"J-jungkook..that's your name..right?" I asked him before he left the room.

"Uh..yes. Need anything, miss?"

"Um.." I wasn't sure what to say. What to ask.

"Can I ask a few questions?"

"What's there to ask?" He questioned me with that question in return.

"I..let's say I'm not from around here. Can I ask where I am..and who the.....king is?"

He looked at me puzzled, but slowly nodded. Making me sigh in relief.

" first question: where am i?"

He seemed amused by this. As of talking to a child asking of candy grows on trees.

"Well, we are the city of  Seoul-utopia..." he said a mocking way. But honestly I was very interested.

"If we are under are we breathing?" I asked.

" are dumber than I thought. Well..we breathe through the oxy-water."

"And that is..?"

He sighed.

"Oxy-water is something that was made a long time ago. Its little air bubbles pushed through the water. In the dome, over the city."

I nodded. How interesting and completely insane!

"Now whats with this king? Why does he have such a dark vibe? And a horrible attitude."

He gasped a little.

"You can't say such thing about the king!...but ah, I must agree with you. He has a very bad attitude problem."

"Why..does he want to marry me?" I asked..a bit nervous.

"I am not sure. He has never expressed interest in a love life..despite being very attractive and plenty of women interested."

I hummed. Why me? Did..he know who I was?

"Anyway..I don't know why he want to marry you.."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I-"

"Jungkook..I think you spent enough time with my to-be-bride. Why don't you leave?"

We looked at the Doorway and saw.the king..

"Yes..sir.." Jungkook said and promptly walked out. Leaving me here with him.

" want to know I want to marry you?" He asked with a half smirk, half annoyed. But annoyed by what?"

"Y-yes.." I said.

"Hmm..well that's a story for another say." He said sipping some wine I didn't even notice he had.

If I'm going to be honest, he is a very attractive man. His blue hair a bit messy, his clothes snug and fitting his swimmers body. His face was a perfect shape with perfect features.

"Enjoying staring at my face?" He asked.


"Again with the ridiculous sorrys. Well I will answer the answer you may have been asking yourself: what is going on?"

I had been wondering that, yes.

"Well let's start with myself. I am Kim Taehyung, the King of Seoulutopia..and you are Y/n..are as I will call you.. my pearl.."


I Hope you liked this. Untill next time. Have a great day/ night! 》

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