Chaper Nineteen

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I felt dizzy.

Going up was...not a fun experience.

It felt like..imagine the opposite of downing. But just the same in the way of losing life.

Like that pressure when you're in a pool and you try to reach the bottom. Say you dropped something like your goggles. That pressure and..lack of feeling.

That's what it felt like going up.

Once my head popped through the surface. I breathed.

The air was dry. Moist but dry. Salty, a little fishy. But familiar. It was perfect.

I smoothed my wet hair out of my face and it had just hit me where I was.

I was in the middle  of the ocean.

How was I going to get home? Let..Let me try to remember what Taehyungs father had said.

"..You'll be close enough to the beach.."

Close to the beach my butt..

I only see the wide horizon from here. Nothing but deep blue water for miles and miles. It was soo wide.

I started to feel my nose and the corners of my eyes burn. That meant that I felt myself to cry.

Looking up at the stars fading and the sky going from a dark blue to a pink and blue. Saying that sunrise was approaching. Tears pricked at my eyes and I used one of my hands to keep me afloat while I used the other to wipe my face. Smoothing my hair in frustration.

Suddenly, I heard a loud honking sound. It caught me off guard and I quickly swam around, looking. And I saw it. A boat.

It was pretty small, but it did mean to things. One: I could get help. And two: land was nearby.

No boat this small would be far out. I swam closer.

"Hey! Hello!" I called with a slight smile. I was so relieved.

"Hello?!" I heard an older man call.  I replied with an 'Hey! Here! Here!"

A older man with a short gray beard looked out and saw me. It was a confused smile on his face. With his bit of concern.

"Umm...miss? How are you out here- what are you doing out here??" He asked.

"I can't explain right now. But..can I please climb aboard? Please? I don't have anything but when we get to land I-"

" can get"  He let down a rope type ladder and I got in without much struggle.

"T-thank you..." I breathed as I just fell on his deck and layed there for a few moments.

"No problem. Um..we're going to be back at land in a bit. Maybe 2 hours? And- wait I know you!" His loud voice made me flinch and so up on my elbows. And he continued to speak with wide eyes.

"You're..You're Y/n Y/L/N! lost at sea a few weeks ago! It's almost been 2 months. I can't believe this.." he turned and walked in a small circle, taking off his fishing cap and running his hand through his gray hair.

"How- what?" I asked confused.

"Yeah," he calmed a bit, "Some guy put a notice that you were lost at sea and to look for any sign of you or a- a body.." I nodded.

"Who was the guy?" I asked. Already half sure who it was.

"Oh some taller fella. Think his name was Kim or whatever. Had a very strong structure too." I smiled. Namjoonie really are a Saint.

"Now..I- oh goodness me! You don't even know my name. You might have heard of me, but, I'm Sedgwick Fisher. Captain of this small, but lovely, ship named the Starrett."

I smiled.

'Thank you, sir."

Now that i was on his boat and the shock factor was passing, I got a better look at Mr. Fisher.

He had a short curly gray beard with gray hairs sticking out of his hat. Making him look like he may have not showered in a while. His shoulders were fairly wide, but he himself was fairly short. Maybe 5'7 or so?

He seemed to have a cheery personality and such. And I was very glad he had found me. I don't know what I would've done without his help.

《Hey. How are you today? I hope you enjoyed this part. I know the story is taking a turn, but it's going to be good soon. Sorry it took me a while to write it.

Have a great day/night love ya》

The Sea King// Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now