Chapter Three

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I woke up in a fright. I sat up immediately with wide eyes seeing I was in a new a bedroom which wasn't mine.

I looked around the room. It was stunning. All the furniture was made of out gold and silver, with all types of jewels embedded in the very unique designs. The walls were made of a shimmering stone I had never seen before. A blue with lights and darks in it. The floor was a white marble with a deep, blue rug. I looked above me and saw I was in a canopy bed. The pillers on each corner were gold ans the the fabric over them were a a almost black blue, with wavy ripples looking like the ocean.

I felt my hand unconsciously feel the bed sheets. They were a soft silk the was a black not even dark blue, just black. Same with the silky-smooth pillow case..I left hand pressed down on the pillow. It was perfect.  So fluffy. Fit for a king. I almost lost track of everything. Where the Heck was I? Last thing I remember was trying to take off my mask. Then it was..unusual.

I stopped my thoughts when I heard a door open. My eyes widened once again seeing a young guy. He was surprisingly attractive. He had dark hair that was long. He saw me staring at him and smiled a bit. Awe he had a bunny smile. Which caused me to smile a bit.

"So..You're are you feeling?" He asked. His voice very mild.

I thought for a second. Was a feeling fine? I just woke up in a strange room after a stranger event and now a strang man is asking me how I'm feeling...

"I...don't know..?" I said, tilting my head.

He laughed a bit. Like a little giggle.

"Its okay..You're probably not sure what s going I'll get Hyung to come and explain..or better yet..come with me." He came over firmly, but gently held my hand and pulled me along. The way he did it was almost seemed to be like a little kid pulling one of their friends to see something cool.

As we walked i saw his clothes more fully. He had armor on. The armor was dark silver and stained black. It looked very cool.
It wasn't loud, clanky, armor..but something a guard might wear. And he had a off white cap what had a gold embroidery on it of a shark..

We went into the hallway and it was..insane how beautiful it was. The walls were the same blue stone with different tones. The halls were marble, bit more of a off white then the white-silver in the bedroom before. The rugs that ran down th hall were a light blue. Quite a contrast over the dark blue themes in the bedroom. The ceiling had  yellowish candles to light the way. It was old-fashioned and I loved it.

But..I stopped as I looked out the window. O literally froze at the sight. I What..where was I?!

The man with the bunny smile must have noticed my lack of presence beside him. He saw me standing there like a dumba$$, staring outside.

"Oh? Whats the hold up..ahh you just saw the kings pet fishes...beautiful right?" He said nonchalantly.

I looked him. The king?! There's a king?! And..and what?!

"Where. Am. I?" I asked.

"In the kingdom of Seoulutopia..what are you? Human?" He laughed at his joke. I didn't laugh.

"Are you NOT human?" I asked.

He paled a bit.

"Uh...I think we better hurry to the seem to have lots of uh..questions.." and that we hurried along.

After 5 flights of stairs and about 100 hallways, we made it to, what I presume is the throne room. As there was a throne. In the room.

As we got closer I saw another man sitting on a golden throne. Whats with all the gold? I thought.

The man in the throne was in a kings attire. He had a purple-blue uniform with gold and diamonds embedded in parts of it. His colorful and bright blue hair really contrasted his expression. Which was bored and seemingly uninterested. But once he noticed my presence, a slight smirk made its way to his lips. Making him look 200× times more attractive than previously. My gosh.

The armored man brought me closer to the..king. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous. I mean a literal KING was infront of me and I suppose I was also underwater which makes me think I must be dreaming.

I was now really infront  of the king. I was very unsure of what to do. Do I bow? Kneel? Just stand still? I whispered to the guard man next to me.

"What do I do?!" I asked.

"Jungkook, please inform our guest its a bit rude to whisper in te presence of royalty." Said the man on the throne. My gosh is his voice deep. It was as deep as the ocean- yeah okay that makes sense now...

I widened my eyes. No, no, no, I don't want to be rude. I quickly looked over to, who I guess is Jungkook and had a "oh no, what do I do?!!" face. Which he just used his head to gesture to the king, who was smirking at me. I do?!

《Hello peeps! I hope you enjoyed this. This is one of the stories I am most excited about. Hope you have a great day/ night》

The Sea King// Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now