Chapter Seven

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"You look beautiful, pearl..."

I looked behind me through the mirror and saw Taehyung staring at me with dark eyes that matched his deep voice. I gulped.

While the seamstress adjusted me dress,, I stared at him for a.few seconds and I guess he noticed me because he gave me a wink. I looked away with hot pink cheeks, embarrassed..I heard him chuckle a bit.

When the seamstress left for moment to grab something, I asked Taehyung something,

"Um..King, sir..uh.."

"Just call me Taehyung.."

"Yeah okay, um..why- why are we getting married? I mean..why am I even here? You could marry anyone else-" he cut me off by spinning me around to face his stern face.

"Miss y/n..I woukd refrain from saying such things. We will marry because I wish it. That is all. Now..I'll be going now."

He said giving me a peck on my nose and I scrunched up my nose is a mix of annoyance and discomfort.

((TIME SKIP, right before dinner))

I wasn't really doing much, but reading some random book I found in my room.  It was just something about fish..

I sighed. I was pretty bored.

I looked up from my book when I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in~.." I said.

"Miss, I'm here to take you to dinner." Said the same maid that had been helping me since I got here..I should probably know her name.

"Okay," I said, " by the way, what's your name?"

"Oh can call me Mable." I smiled.

"Okay. thank you, Mable." Ahe smiled at me kindly.

"Let's go then, miss..?" She gestured out the door and I nodded standing up. I looked down and realized that I was in my undersuit that I had under my diving gear.

"Um, do you have anything I can wear?"

"Oh, yes miss! Look in the closet over there." I nodded and she closed the door and I walked to the closet.

In the closet were lots of dresses and I finally chose one. They weren't all my style, but I chose the best one I liked.

《 here's some examples of what they look like, just imagine it looking sorta like these》

《 here's some examples of what they look like, just imagine it looking sorta like these》

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《Any color you'll like》

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《Any color you'll like》

I slipped on the dress and and opened the door to see Jungkook.  I wonder where Mable went...

"Hello, miss Y/n. I'm here to accompany you to dinner."

I smiled and followed him. The halls were long and thr stairs were making me tired. But it looked beautiful. The gold and blue really gave it a unique look.

We soon made it to the dining room. There was a long, smooth, wooden table. With gold plates, cups, and cutlery. The chairs were gold with blue crushed velvet cushions. It was beautiful..

I noticed that although the table was huge, there were only 2 places set with food. And at one of the seats was the King, Taehyung.

He gave me a smug smile and pointed to the spot next to him. I guess I'll be sitting there.

I sat down and I saw a mix of greens and vegetables. I don't dislike a lot of veggies, but I prefer maybe something else..

I took my fork and picked a piece of potatoe. Putting it in my mouth I realized how delicious it was. It was seasoned perfectly and buttery. With hint of something I wasn't sure what.  I got another piece, and another..

I guess my enjoyment of the food was shown since when I looked at Taehyung he was looking at my half-empty plate.

"I see the food is to your liking? Hmm pearl?" He asked me.

I gulped down a bite and nodded. Then we continued eating. The silence was insufferable; I definitely don't like him, but I had to say something

"So..." I started awkwardly. He gave me a glace and I tried to continue.

"You never did tell me why we are getting married. I mean..I know I have, but you can't just expect me to go along with all of this." I said, thinking about all thr recent events and getting irritated.

He sighed as if I was a child asking for a toy I was told I can't have repeatedly.

"Pearl, I am starting to get quite irritated by your constant questions. We are getting married in 2 days-"

"I don't have a say? At all?"

"No..You. Do. Not. I am the king, I make the rules and that is that."

"But that is...absurd! You can't force me to marry you-" 

"Enough..! Eat."

I placed my fork on the table and got up to leave.

"Pearl..! Y/n! Ugghh" he said as I left to my 'room'.

This is going to be difficult..isn't it?

《Heyy this has about 100 reads! Yay..I hope you enjoyed this! Have a great day/night》

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