Chapter 6

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"Glad you two are go and do your detention.." teacher says to two boys who came to her after school. Taehyung and Jungkook sighed and nods. Then they went towards the toilets.

"Shit! It's all because of you!" Jungkook shouts into Taehyung's face. Taehyung rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Can you shut up? Both of us are in detention now.."

"And because of you!! I wasn't supposed to be here!!" Jungkook whines and glares at Taehyung.

"Jungkook!!" Both of them look at the person and it is jin.

"You aren't—wait what are you doing with THIS asshole?"

"Can you mind your own business—"

"We are having detention—"

"YOU what?????" Jin said widening his eyes.

""What did you do?? Jungkook?"

"Ah hyung..don't worry..I will come home after this.." Jungkook says going towards the toilet but was grabbed by his collar.

"Not before telling what you brat did.." Jungkook whines trying to get away while Taehyung stares at them with a boring look.

"Hyung it's can go.." jin sighs and releases Jungkook.

"Fine..but you better explain after coming.." Jungkook nods his head and grabs the stuffs to clean toilets. Jin turns away going towards the school entrance leaving the two. Jungkook went inside the boys' toilet and put the stuffs on the ground before going outside to Taehyung who looks like don't care about anything. But seeing jungkook, he raises an eyebrow.


"What what? You want an invitation now?" Jungkook says crossing his hands. Taehyung smirks walking towards Jungkook.

"Yes please?" Jungkook scoffs and pushes Taehyung inside making other one stumble.

"You nuts? I would have fall!"

"Your point?" Taehyung didn't say anything and leans on to the wall. Jungkook took a mop along with a bucket and gives it to Taehyung.

"Mop the floor..I'm cleaning the sinks.." Taehyung let out a whatever and takes them.

Few moments later..

Jungkook finishes cleaning the sinks and sighs in satisfaction. But it went away when he noticed the kim Taehyung leaning on to the wall looking through his phone holding the mop. Jungkook huffs and went towards Taehyung snatching the phone receiving a curse from the male.

"You holding the mop waiting for clean the floor by itself ?" Jungkook asks glaring at Taehyung.

"Give me my phone—"

"You are not a king here! Clean the toilets! I'm not the who has to do anything alone! I'm not your maid or something! Go and Clean before I break your fucking phone!"

"Geez ..fine fine.." he takes the mop and stared to clean without even digging into water. Jungkook stayed there looking at Taehyung in disbelief with mouth open.

"Uh why isn't it cleaning properly.." Taehyung complains

"The hell you monkey! That's not how you mop!" Jungkook tells to Taehyung mentally facepalming. Taehyung 'oh'ed and stopped what he is doing.

"Then?" Taehyung asks frowning.

"Dig it in to the water before cleaning you dumb fuck!" Jungkook says putting Taehyung's phone inside his pocket .

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