Chapter 26

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Helloooow! It's meeeeee..

"Jungkook what the fuck!! You are still wearing a bathrobe!!" Jin yells.

Taehyung successfully went home after a getting a big ass lecture from jin as jin thought that Taehyung sneaked in to bother Jungkook. Luckily he got no any physical damage.

So today is the day of the football match which is between their school and one of the other schools. Everyone was gathered around the football court where the two teams are playing.

The court is filled with cheering. More than half of the match is cheering to Taehyung's team even the other school's students which motivated them more.

"Woah they are playing very cool.." jin says looking at the match which is now closer to finish.

"They are gonna obviously win.. look at other's marks hahaha.. they  can't even come closer now.." jimin says and cheered when they hit another goal. Jin and jimin wanted their team lose because of the team members playing in there, but seeing them playing, they changed their mind.

"YAYYY!! WE WON!!" Everyone cheered and hugged each other. Other team glares at Taehyung's team who had a smug face.

"Told ya.." Taehyung winks at them before turning to his members, hugging them.

Other team's members glares at them before leaving the court with angry faces. Taehyung smiles happily and turns his head, his eyes searching for a one person.

Jungkook gave a thumbs up to Taehyung when their eyes met with each other. Taehyung winks at Jungkook and blows a kiss to him. Jungkook was taken aback and glances to his hyungs to see them looking him.

"O-Oh hyungs let's go now! The match is over!!" Jungkook nervously says, hopping towards the exit. Before the clueless jimin could go, jin pulls him to him.

"I have a plan.." jin whispers to jimin who was confused of what's going on..


"Well well well.." Taehyung and the other three look at the person who talked. It was the captain of the other team. He wasn't along, we was with four more.

What happened after the match was the four took a wash from their school and headed to one of cafes to take their lunch. After taking lunch they went out to the park to get some fresh air. But seems like they cannot have now.

Taehyung gets up from the bench, crossing his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. Then his lips curve into a smile.

"There is no well in here.." he blurted out which angered the other one. He took a step ahead.

"Don't think over match is over kim Taehun."

"It's kim Taehyung by the way.." Taehyung says and sighs..

"Whatever! I'm here to tell the match is not over..You guys obviously cheated.. Also I heard the coaches are friends of yours.." hearing this, other three also stood up walking closer them. Taehyung's eyes darkened and balls his fists.
The other boy glances at Taehyung's hands and chuckles mockingly.

"Dude just accept the fact that you and your teammates suck at football.." namjoon teases and laughs.

"Obviously..How can you even show your faces to us after that.." Taehyung laughs along with the other three.

"You called for it.." the other boy says and punches Taehyung on his face which took him off guard. Taehyung fell on the ground, his lips bleeding.

"What the fuck!!" Suga curses and kicks the boy down to the floor. Taehyung got up from the floor, holding his jaw. He glares at them ready to fight.

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