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Eri in the media :

For a moment, my heart stopped beating.

Whatever was in these woods was going to give me a heart attack.

My body was deathly still.

Something deep down wanted to ask who's there but it's best not to.

At least I would keep my life if it's a vampire.

"please don't hurt me" was all that came into my empty head.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Next thing I felt were arms wrapped around my shoulder and I shrieked.

"calm down damsel" a familiar voice teased.

I turned around and met-

"Eri? Why didn't you say it was you? I almost died" my heart was still pounding.

"yeah I saw that" she laughed and sat next to me.

Her golden hair was flying everywhere.

Eri's more like my sister than a best friend.

This was where we met couple years ago and from time to time, we meet here.

Her parents don't like me so much.

Turns out no one does and I honestly didn't mind until I met her.

She was the only person to talk to me and we became best of friends really quick.

"so how was work?" she took off her cloak.

"nothing new to report" I sighed.

Sometimes, Eri helps me with food from her parents' stand other times she serves as a distraction.

So, we're both thieves.

"was it enough? I could always get you more if you like"

"it was. Thanks for the offer" I laughed nervously.

"this whole thing is becoming more difficult" her smile dropped.

"what do you mean?"

"I mean how vampires take more and more humans. I heard they were coming today" Eri tied her hair in a messy bun.

"well don't believe everything you hear. Similar thing happened a while back" someone spread a false rumor about vampires coming to take more of us.

Me-maw and I didn't eat that day because we were too scared to leave the house.

"true" was all she said.

"how're you holding up?" her sister was taken a while ago and it almost shattered her family.

I knew this wasn't the right thing to discuss but I just wanted to make sure she's ok.

We were like three sisters.

For some odd reason, I felt a bond between me and her.

"I'm getting better thanks" Eri had a weak smile on her face.

Deep down it still hurt but she was trying her best to move on.

"I just hope the priestess will guide her" I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"yeah (!)" I was a bit sarcastic.

If you know me, you"ll know that I'm not exactly in good terms with the priestess.

Deep down I believe in her but with everything that's happening, how are we sure she's going to come back from her vacation?

If she really loved us, she would have taken us to the Light Kingdom.

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