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Nadia in the media:

The annoying sound of the door flying open was enough to give me a migraine.

"WAKE UP! YOU KNOW THE DRILL" Ms. Melody went from room to room yelling for us to get up.

"alright Lyra" Nadia got up quicker than I ever could in months.

Not being a morning person made the whole situation worse.

"we only have an hour to eat and get dressed so get up" she had to practically yank me off my bed and I hit the floor on my bare butt.

We rushed into the bathroom together; each facing a side and going over our morning routines.

She took 10 minutes while I took 20.

After that, she went to choose between the uniforms that were already kept.

There were so many different sizes but I decided to go for the smallest.

It was a maid uniform that were above my knees.

There was also a bodice to adjust how tight we wanted it to be.

For some odd reason, I really liked tight things but not so tight.

Then I took the smallest pair of shoes that fit me like a glove.

Nadia did her hair and mine in a messy bun that was stylish yet messy.


From there, we went to where servants ate and it was really large and spacious.

There were four long tables that had chairs on either side.

"c'mon" Nadia quickly took a seat and I sat next to her while admiring the whole place.

We were served with bread and fish.

It looked and smelt like left overs.

Don't get me wrong, there were edible but why this meal?

"we mostly get meals that'll help with our blood"

Yeah to make us even more tempting for those evil people.

Guards were patrolling, making sure everything was in order.

The slaves were in a hurry to finish their foods.

They were swallowing it like chewing wasn't a thing.

I didn't want to be left behind so I decided to join them.

Within a matter of minutes, me and Nadia were done.

She said something about being personal servants so we had to be done before everyone else.

Hopefully, I'll get used to everything by next week.

That's IF I'm still alive.

We went to the kitchen first that was already busy.

Was there any time that this place wasn't full?

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