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WARNING: this chapter contains graphic scenes of violence. Kindly skip (but not without voting) if sensitive to such...
Lyra's POV:

I woke up at the sound of my cell door being opened on stubborn hinges.

It was only the old lady and a couple guards that entered.

They brought a table in that had some strange tools and devices on them. Some looked sharper than others by far.

"w-what are you going to do?" I asked nervously.

"well the lady said you need to be in your demonic sixth sense and call forth your wings so I can clip them off and fuse them with her. I don't know how exactly I'll force you into that state but that's the fun part"

She picked up the first instrument which was a knife and walked up to me.

Panic immediately rushed through me and I began to wiggle to break free but it was no use.

She stood beside me and was about to pierce it through my skin when the blade broke off.

Everyone looked stunned.

"that was the first test. Seeing as you still have that crystal on you, you'll be immune to some level of danger. I don't know what had triggered this suddenly but I know how to weaken its power"

With one snap of her fingers, a guard brought her a small bowl with some kind of goo inside.

She rose it high enough so the entire crystal sunk inside due to it hanging loosely on my neck because of my current position.

"w-w-what I-is this?" the smell of the substance was repulsive and I tried my possible best not to gag.

"this has magical properties that was specifically made by the Phantom Ravens to weaken your kind if you go rogue. Though I had to substitute some ingredients; it might not shut it down totally but it should be just enough to weaken it for a while. Now to see if it truly works" she removed the bowl and stood a few inches away from me and watched.

The crystal had bright vibrant colors but they slowly became dull and saturated by the second.

This is bad.

Very bad!

If what was protecting me has become weak then it truly means my fate is sealed.

"it worked! Perfect! Now to begin the real tests" the old lady got another knife from the table and made a huge cut on my upper arm; taking a great deal of skin away as well.

I screamed at the top of my lungs but that didn't seem to daunt her at all.

"you have such beautiful skin" she remarked with a twisted smile on her face.

"it's a shame you won't get to enjoy it for so long" she smiled again before making a smaller cut on my cheeks and I could feel the blood gushing out.

She got a bowl and filled it up with all the blood she could.

"still no wings huh? Well we have a long way to go"…


Sam's POV:

I had successfully found the warriors by the mountain and pleaded for their help.

It was really difficult for them to believe me but seeing as I had much information on their city and other things related to them, they believed me.

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