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Sword in the media:

If I say I'm not nervous I would be lying.

We had gotten intel 5 days ago that the attack was happening today!

No matter how ready we were or how I thought we were; it still wasn't enough.

Everyone has been in a serious mood since we heard the news and not knowing what to expect.

We've all been on edge.

It got so bad that Cyrus had to get the vampire army down here to prepare for war.

They were a whole lot of them that arrived that day.

Alex wanted to come as well but Cyrus didn't want to leave the kingdom in the hands of Xander.

Training has become more and more intense and almost too much for us to handle but we needed to be in shape if we wanted to have any chance of winning.

Everything I've done.

All this time; learning, training…recovering.

All of it was to prepare me for this moment.

I stood looking at myself in the mirror.

It wasn't even the crack of dawn.

We needed to move early if we wanted intercept them before they move too deep into Blacklake.

"Lyra? there's something you need before going off" Darya spoke through an open gate.

From the back, she was surrounded by plants and different forms of nature, so she was at mothers' garden.

Without saying another word, I crossed over.

To my surprise, everyone was there.

The King, Queen, Cyrus; everyone.

"what's going on?" I asked nervously looking around like I had done something bad or was in trouble.

"well we decided this whole thing started with your mother but going to end with you. So, it's only proper we give you…this" Darya unwrapped something in her arms that I hadn't noticed on time.

I couldn't tell what it was until it was completely open.

It was a sword.

One of the most beautiful I had ever seen.

It wasn't totally straight and it had a strange design to it.

I was drawn to it.

There was a connection between me and it.

As soon as my fingers came in contact with it, I could feel something pass through me.

"the sword was forged by the Phantom Ravens. Just for you. Its's magical properties make it one of a kind. Easy enough to wrap around you yet when held by the handle, it becomes firm" I grabbed the sword and placed it on my upper arm and watched it wrap around me with ease.

This was amazing.

When I held it by the handle, it became firm and straight again like it was unbendable.

"and one more thing" she walked me over to the tree.

There was one thing in particular that stood out.

It was on the highest branch.

I wasn't sure of what it was until it bent toward me.

It had the shape of a pear but looked like a crystal.

The Diamond In The Rough✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora