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Castle Aesthetic in the media:

Jackie was barely giving me enough time to take this place in.

Everything was so breath-taking.

The walls seemed to shine and there were chandeliers but they weren't shaped like the normal ones I've seen.

The floors were a rich shade of brown and the hallway seemed endless.

The difference between this and the vampires' castle is that this one was filled with life.

Everyone here looked happy and not like they would get their head chopped off by every little thing.

Jackie stopped in front of two double doors and turned to us.

"immediately you enter, you bow. Don't look at them unless they say so and don't speak unless spoken to. Got that?"

Well that had been our lives for a while now so nothing different.

Me and Sam nodded and she opened the doors.

The throne room was vast.

It was big enough to fit everyone from my village and a few horses too.

The windows were long and eliminated the room with a lot of light.

The queen and king were seated and I noticed that there were five empty chairs thus the one for the king in the middle.

"your majesties" Jackie bowed and we followed.

"Jackie…how was your patrol?" the king asked her.

"it was fine sir; though some vampire soldiers got too close to the boarders" she answered with confidence and rose to her full height.

Me and Sam stayed with our heads down.

"and why is that?"

"they were chasing after their slaves that managed to escape. There were four of them and one was captured"

"why are they only two of them?" the king didn't sound too pleased.

"one of them is resting in Rayhan's room for reasons I don't understand" she muttered the last part.

I could feel the king's gaze on me and it made me nervous.

"why did you bring them into this world?" his voice was incredibly low.

"they have the crystal sire"

There was a gasp.

"which one of them has it?"

"the girl"

"what's your name?" the queen asked me.

"L-Lyra your majesty" I didn't raise my head up neither did I move.

"raise your head…let me see you" the queens voice ordered.

She was beautiful and looking young as well as the king.

He had brown hair and a beard that wasn't that much and beautiful golden eyes.

From the little I could make out, he was built as well…a little more than his son.

The golden crown on his dark hair made him radiate power and dominance making him even more intimidating.

He wasn't overdressed.

Just in a simple white shirt and trousers.

The queen had beautiful brown hair, full lips and beautiful dark skin.

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