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(Hint: sometimes searching hard and down helps to get a fun present. Albert Einstein..)


Norman: Let's go, I'll call the hospital.

Emma: But he's hardly breathing!" she said as she touched his neck with two fingers, his breathing was getting slower."

Norman was already walking towards the back entrance of the castle but when he turned around, he saw something he'd want to erase from his mind.

Norman: Emma, come-

What are you doing?

He got shocked as he saw the scene.

Norman pov.

Whether I'm awake or dreaming, she alone fills my soul. Here, when I half-close my eyelids, here on my forehead, where the visual force is concentrated, I find her beautiful emerald eyes. No, I couldn't express that to you. She is everything to me.

She supported me in everything, and now I'm seeing her, doing CPR, on benjamin.

Narrator pov.

Emma was giving air to Benjamin, she kept doing in, for Norman, it felt like ages that her lips were touching his.

When she noticed that he was waking up, Emma immediately stood up and pretended as if nothing happened.

Benjamin: I'm sorry for what happened, I'll go now, bye...


Norman: Why did you do that.

Emma: Oh..his heartbeat was getting low, so I thought-

Norman: That kissing him would repair it?

Emma: It's not that, it's CPR norman!

Norman: But still! You know it's even against the rules to get into a relationship with Benjamin.

Emma: Oh so now you're bringing that up? Fine then! That's it, I'm out.

Norman: That's not what I meant...

Emma: Well then what did you mean?

Norman: I'm sorry Emma, you're right. It's just CPR.

Emma: Even if you don't appreciate someone, you should help them when they're in need.

Norman: I will keep that in mind.

Emma smiled, then she was called so she had to leave.

But for Norman it still wasn't "just" CPR, he felt pain reviving the scene again in his head.

With Emma.

Emma: Why was I called Gillian?

Gillian: You know. the big day is coming up! We have to take your measurements and make you a beautiful dress!

Violet: We found some designs that would be amazing and go super well with your eye color and hair.

Gillian: Since everyone will have to wear a cape because it's logical that you would get recognized. We chose white for the cape!

Violet: We wanted to know the colors that would suit you better.

Sometimes after...

Violet: You look perfect! We have everything ready!

Emma: It's beautiful!

Gillian: We're going to finish the last touches, you can sort of doing what you want now :)

Emma: Okay!put

The dress Gillian and Violet made was amazing. They remembered Emma's kindness and putted all their effort into the gown.

Time skip...

It was soon the ball..everyone was excited. There's the last activity going on, even people from the village will come, but few. And more nobles will come as well.

Everyone will be masked so there won't be any rules about the king or queen making announcements or anything, they'll all be equal and the rules of the contest will be removed.

Does that mean something will happen? You know me-😶



I wanted to test if you're still here or if you clicked out congrats! You just won a special spoiler! Did you manage to understand the sentence at the top now? Ye-

(Thanks to not Albert einstein's sentence but-)


•Emma: Noo! I can barely dance! I was sure that it would be a ball where you just sit at tables but dance! I'm the worst!

Violet: Just trust me! Go on! I always dreamed of going and never found but I never really found a partner...

Emma: But you're beautiful! Wait- someone is coming towards us!

Gillian: Pretend we're randomly talking!

?: Greetings young lady, I saw you from afar and I must say you completely caught my eye, care to dance?

Emma whispered; Say yes Violet! "She said moving excitedly which made her dress twirl a little"

Gillian: Please Violet! "Said Gillian pointing at the man who was still lending his hand".

Violet: Of course, I will" she said, nervous".

Emma and Gillian screamed a bit.

Someone saw them who came by and laughed a bit listening to what the girls were saying.

It was two people.

???: Hello! You both look beautiful tonight...


End of spoiler!

(I'm still not sure if the next chapter will be the last but probably-)

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