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Norman: Don't cry Emma, everything's fine now...

Emma: I'm not crying..i never cry"false".

He made a soft smile.

Norman: We're friends right? I trust you more than anything.

Emma: That's really sweet of you Norman, you're really amazing."she ran towards Norman and hugged him"

Emma: Oh, sorry-

Norman: Don't worry it's okay!!"he chuckled"

We awkwardly stepped away.

Emma: So, tell me how it's going, with the whole selection?

Norman: It's going well

Emma: You know, you really should talk to Anna, i thought a lot and she's perfect. I bet you'll love her. She was so nice to me and all the Ladies during the incident.

Norman: I will, i'll tell her to take a walk outside. But i do have to say that there was someone who attracted me more..

Emma: What? Really!? Whoooo?

Norman: It's best if you don't know, i'll tell you one day"he smiled".You should go sleep, it's the elimination soon.

Emma: Oh, good night! Maybe it's the last night that we're talking to eachother.

I was still intrigued by what he said..

Norman: i doubt that Emma...

Emma pov

I see, Norman loves another girl...wait- why am i feeling sad?? We're friends! I'm going to help him find the girl he wants, which is obviously not me.

Emma: Oh, good night! Maybe it's the last night that we talk to eachother.

Norman: I doubt that Emma...

Emma: Good night!

Norman:Sleep well"he smiled"


Emma's room (emma pov)

I stayed up almost the whole night thinking about who Norman likes, maybe it's Sherry? He was talking to her a lot during dinner. Or  Yvette? He smiled at her a lot. I suppose it could be anyone, except me of course, i'm his friend.

I wonder who is he going to eliminate, theres: Sheery,Anna,Yvette,Barbara,Vivian,Gilda, Paula, me and two other girls that i didn't really talk to.

It's possible that i get eliminated, he did catch me breaking a rule after all, i sure hope he won't kick out Anna, she has all the traits to be a queen.

Maybe it is my last nights in here, i will miss everyone, i'm not sure how many girls Norman is going to eliminate, i think it's 5 or 3? I don't really know but i do know that he can eliminate more than that. But he has to leave more than three girls at the palace.

I heard this rumour going on about prince Norman doing some sort of social test on the ladies here, i wonder what he is going to do.

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