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Norman: It's okay! You should've seen your face-

Emma: Hey!! It's not my fault!

Then i started laughing as well.

Emma: Are you gonna ask Anna?

Norman: Sure...if that's what you want"he said smiling,with a doubtful voice."

Narrator pov

Emma: You don't have to of you don't want to! I'm only saying,you shouldn't feel forced.

Norman: But i thought about it and i'm going to ask Anna, after you described her it sort of caught my eye.

I don't know if you noticed but sometimes even Norman lies.. :^

Emma: That's nice!

Even Emma,well,she isn't completely lying but she feels a little awkward.

Norman: I'll ask her to take a walk, i'll ask tommorrow on breakfast time.


Norman: Hey Emma...don't you think theres someone better?

Emma: Someone...better?"she said as she looked confused".

Norman: Yeah. Someone,who attracted me more than Anna. I'm still asking her for the walk but there someone i would like to take a walk with more, do things with her, have fun with her,laugh with her, and all i'm yearning to hear is her approval of me.

He looked deep into Emma's eyes,hoping she would notice something. And she did, but not exactly the same thing.

Emma's mind: Oh, so i was right? What about the scene with him and Barbara? Maybe i was actually interrupting something...

Emma:Well! I am really exhausted! I should go, it's Sherry's turn now after all..

Norman: You're right.."he said with a sad look"

Emma: Good night..

Norman: Sleep well.

In the morning
Emma's pov

Norman: Would you like to take a walk outside Lady Anna??

Anna: Huh, me!? It's a pleasure!

I looked at Norman,i have him a smile and a thumbs up. He smiled back.

An hour later

Norman went on his walk with Anna, but instead,they went on the horses.

I know this may sound wierd but would it be that bad if i followed them?? It's just to make sure everything goes well-


???: Oi, what are you doing?

Emma: Oh! Prince Ray! Hii uhm- I wasn't doing anything?? Uh-

Ray: Then why are you dressed like if you were going to mount on a horse?

Emma: I really love horses! And- i like horse clothes too-?

Horse clothes!? Really Emma!?

Ray: You're going to spy on Norman right?

Emma: Huh-what?"i said with an awkward face"

Ray: Why don't you let me come with,you shouldn't be left alone.

Emma: I'm not spying on prince Norman! I like horses that's all-

Ray: Okay then, go on.

Emma: Huh?

Ray: Mount the horse?

Emma: Oh- okay.

Ray: Since you love horses, you can probably ride them properly, why not just jump on it and not use the little table?

Did my antena just go up- for some reason it always does when i'm in trouble 0~0

Emma: Okay!

Come on Emma, just jump as high as you can and ride it.



Ray started laughing a lot, he even had tears on his eyes.

Ray: Did you just jump on it ,do a backflip and fall??"he said laughing"

Emma: It's not funny!! Ouch-

Ray: Here let me help you"he said getting me up".

Emma: Thank you.

Ray: You're welcome, you should've just admitted that you were going to spy on my brother.

Emma: I suppose i should've, but it's just to make sure he's going well with Anna!"i said shaking my hands".

Ray: Are you sure?

Emma: Positive!"i said with a firm face".

Ray: Then let me come with you, besides, Norman is probably far already.

Emma: Nooo! Did we loose him!?

Ray: Don't worry, i know where he's headed.

Emma: You're a life savor!

Ray: I get that a lot"he said putting his hand on his chin and smiling".

A few minutes later...

Ray putted on his horsing clothes and then he helped me mount the horse.

We were galoping fast so we could catch up to Norman, he helped me a lot since it was only my third time that i go horsing.

Then, we found Norman and Anna galoping slowly and talking to eachother. Then i felt a little thing on my chest, it wasn't pleasant.

There was a way in the forest and one showing the view, Norman and Anna were on the road showing the view so me and Ray took the other way, they were close so we could hear the conversation. Luckily theres tons of bushes tall enough to hide us.

My horse was galoping nicely until it hit a rock, then it did a huge "neigh" noise. Norman and Anna immediately turned towards the noise.

Norman: Emma!? Ray??

Anna: What are you two doing there??

Emma: Uhm- hi Norman and Anna! I was just-

Ray: We were galloping together. Turns out you were doing the same thing. "He said with an honest face(what a great actor).

Norman loomed a little mad, especially at Ray, then he looked at me.

Norman: You two were together?

Emma: Yeah..." i said, trying not to look at him in the eye."

Surprisingly, a little rabbit showed up, it was okay for everyone,but my horse started moving around everywhere.

Emma: It won't stop! " i said as i tried again and again to stop it".

Then it started going towards the forest, it was going so fast that i lost the sight of Norman and the others.

Norman: Emma!!



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