•Where is she!?•

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(🎶So this is cringe, so veryy cringee , might also die by cringeness🎶)

Norman: Get the girls to safety, call all the guards and tell them to finish off thoses intruders.

Guard: What should we do with the ladies your majesty?

Norman: Lead them to the safe emergency room in the fifth floor, and HIDE.

Emma was in her dorm, looking around when her door knocked.

Guard:Lady Emma, i've been sent here to get you, there are intruders in tha castle and we have to get all the ladies to safety!

Emma opened the door and saw the guard stained in some blood, all her friends were behind him ,some were crying, well,they were all crying.

Guard: Now we have to get Lady-


Guard:Crap! Come on everyone get inside the emergency room, stay there."he said and closed the door".

In the emegency room, there was no one else, the royal family wasn't there.

Emma pov

All the girls were worried, panicking, i didn't know what to do so I recomforted them.

Emma: Hey girls, it's okay ,just take a deep breath, in, and out.

The truth is that i actually helped them, they went more calm and just hugged eachother and closed their eyes

Barbara wasn't really doing anything tho, she was on another corner just looking at the wall.

Wait, where is-

Emma: Where's Anna!?

Yvette: Huh!? I thought she was with us!?

Emma remembered when the guard said that there was one lady left, and Yvette had seen a thief so we just went here.

Oh no, we forgot Anna.

Sherry:Oh no! I hope the guard finds Anna!

Emma:Shouldn't we go check???

Gilda: it's not safe Emma, there could be thieves right outside!

Emma: But this is serious! Anna is in a big danger!

Barbara: Why don't you just wait a few minutes, if she doesn't come then that's her problem, why should we risk our lives for her?

Emma:But she's our friend why would you say that?

Gilda: I will have to take Barbara's side Emma, not that we shouldn't risk our lives for her but at least wait a little, besides, we're not that strong as thoses guards.

Emma: Fine, five minutes...

It had been 6 minutes already and no sign of Anna

Emma: It's been too long! She's in danger! We have to do something!

Sherry:What do you propose Emma!? We're all weak and have no defense! No guns or knives! We don't even know the first thing about fighting or attacking!

Emma:But we could be sneaky! We have to help Anna!

Barbara:Just stay here, why go help Anna? I didn't like her anyways

Emma: Fine! I'm going out there alone, stay safe..

That's the last thing Emma said before going out the emergency safe room.

Emma pov

I went out the safe room and checked the halls, the cost is clear.

While i was walking, i got scared seeing the blood stains in the floor and walls, it was like a blood bath.

There was the body of a guard in there, he was barely alive and doing wierd groaning noises.

The guard made his last breath, as i got close and said" may you rest in peace, you protected this castle well" then i ran my hand through his eyes and closed them.

I have to be quick, Anna must be terrified.

As i saw Anna's dorm, i knocked the door, which opened a little bit, my heart started beating with a faster pulse, please be safe Anna...

The dorm was empty, no blood or anything...

"Where is she!?"

Narrator pov

With the girls in the safe room

Gilda:Oh no no no! We should've went with Emma! Why did we let her go all by herself!

Gilda was panicking, Yvette was too, Sherry and other girls were crying and panicking

Knock knock.

Sherry:Huh!? W-who's there!?

The door was oppening as the key lock turned, how did the thieves get their hands on that!?

They all felt better when seeing that it was Prince Norman and Prince Ray,

Prince Norman: Are you all okay?? " he said with a worried face" we were fighting with thoses thieves and then the guards had it covered so i decided to check up on you all.

They both smiled and before Norman could ask a question gilda cutted him and said:

Gilda: Prince Norman!! We need your help! When we all got here  Lady Anna wasn't here so Lady Emma went looking her by herself! She didn't come back!

He had this feeling, a bad one, his heart beat  started going faster and faster, he had this pain on his heart which had no explanation, why was he so worried about Lady Emma?

It's a little thing called Love...(which is actually very big yes)

Prince Norman:Lady Emma went there by herself!? But there still are thieves out there!" His eyes lost emotion and looked cold" I'm going to go look for them, stay here Ray.

Ray: Be careful brother...

Back with Emma
Emma's pov

I went to look in the other hall, i saw an odd room and decided to check it out, the door was locked, a shelf had fallen in front of the door.

I knocked once," anna? Are you in there?"

"Emma!? Is that you? Help me please i'm locked! It's scary in here"

Emma: Don't worry i'm going to open the door, i somehow managed to move the shelf a little bit, which was enough for the door to open enough for her to go in.

Emma: Oh Anna! I was so worried!

Anna: Thank you Emma!, thank you so much, i was scared when i saw a thief so i ran in here and he went inside and locked the door, he was taking his knife when i broke a pot on his face, he's gonna wake up any time soon!

Emma: It's okay Anna, breathe, we're going to see the girls in the emergency room, it's safe there okay?

Anna: Okay"she said almost without breath"

"Well look what we have here? Thankfully we dodged thoses guards, look at theses pretty girls here"

It was three thieves, they had guns on their pockets, it would be reckless to run so i told Anna to stay still .

Emma: What do you want from us...?



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