Great time with everyone??

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Bella was eventually tired so Luca then set her on the sofa to go to sleep. Though Luca was enjoying working with her, he wasn't greedy as forcing Bella to work too much was bad for her health. It was better that he let her develop one step at a time. Not to mention when working it's important that you don't have too much stress when working. That is bad for her health or anybody for that matter.

After about two hours of sleeping Bella, then woke up just to see Luca still finishing up the work.

"Mmmh you still working. Do you need me to do anything else?" Bella got up the couch to see what he was up to.

"Nope I just got done with my work." Luca then exited everything before turning to her. "Now that we are done with work. How about we go to a seafood restaurant?" Bella was then excited that Luca was taking her out again. But then after thinking about it, she realized there might be additional members.

"Is Tiffany going to be there?" Luca then scratched his head when he heard that. Bella already knew the answer without even needing to hear it. Bella then opens the door to leave. He was going to say something to Bella but couldn't do anything because he did promise Tiffany he would take her out. He was really stuck. Sitting on the couch, he was sighing as he was now stressed. He wants to take both of them out but both of them hate each other. What to do...? Then there was a tap on the door. Luca then turned to see Bella leaning against the door. "You better make sure I have a good time or I will make sure you regret it tomorrow." After saying that she then left the room. Hearing this Luca was rather excited as he then proceeded to call Tiffany while also heading to the car.

The four would then be at the table at the restaurant together. Tiffany and Luca were sitting across from Bella and Emma. Though Emma and Luca were perfectly ok with sitting across from each other. The other two weren't. Emma and Luca did try to lighten the conversation. However, the two just didn't seem to be in the mood to say nice things.

"So any seafood that anyone wants in particular," Emma said while trying to get rid of the tension. Bella and Tiffany seem to make smart remarks against each other.

"How about we leave it to Luca. Tiffany, you seem to like to be pampered by him. Why don't you leave him to do your work?"

"No no I insist that you do that. Be spoiled, you probably only eat high-quality food."

"Haha well if you insist but I don't know if peasants would understand my high quality choices like you."

"Oh you are too kind but don't worry at least this peasant here will be the only one here to understand what you say."

Those two were taking shots at each other as they were slightly laughing while showing very scary smiles. Bella seems to hate Tiffany before and after her memory loss. How is that even possible? Both Emma and Luca were putting a wall with the menus as they were whispering to each other what to do. They were doing random gestures with their hands and whispering to figure a way to solve the problem yet it seemed like they were arguing as well. Bella and Tiffany notice this as they then look at the two.

"What are you two doing?" The both of them said at the same time as they both slowly turned to them while lowering the menu.

"We were just choosing for the rest of the group because we felt like you two deserve a break."

"Right right, we just think that you two should just relax." Bella and Tiffany then look away as though they no longer care. Both of the other two breathe out in a sign of relief. Seeing that was the case both Luca and Emma then ordered for the rest of the group. Although there were still some disagreements between the two it was a rather peaceful night. However, Bella was rather getting upset as Tiffany and Luca were having a better time especially when it came to sharing food. They would feed each other food and would talk about the times they ate out. Even Emma was surprised about the relationship. Though Emma would occasionally join the conversation along with Bella as they would only talk about clothing. It was nice and Luca would talk about what he and Bella would do while working. Tiffany though still rude actually would talk about some of the frustration she went through that Bella understood. Although it was brief, they had moments where both could connect.

After dinner they went to get some dessert and since it was a nice day they decided to sit outside to enjoy dessert.

"Haaa I'm going to need to work out after all of this," Luca said as he was rather worried about his weight. Though the three ladies wouldn't understand as they never gain weight.

"You look like you are in pretty good shape, why do you say that." Emma then looked at him curiously.

"Luca actually works out before he goes to sleep. In order to take me out to eat often he would exercise every day." Tiffany was teasing him because she never had to worry about that, despite her great figure. The other two were the same as they never had that.

"Wow Luca, you really are a hardworking person."

"I thought you were like us who hadn't gained weight." Bella and Emma were rather surprised about that.

"You would think, but I'm not blessed like you three. I have to do a lot to even maintain my weight." Luca said as he was rather dejected about that. But at the same time, he doesn't seem to care as much. Rather, it just motivates him to work hard.

"Well guess three doesn't make it easy for your life does it. How about we find time where you can get a break from us." Emma asked as she didn't want Luca to do too much for them? In her opinion she is thankful but that is so much work. Yet for Tiffany, she didn't care as she already knew the reason.

"Relax he does this because he wants to. He is a follower of food like me. That is why we eat out quite often."

"I see well I will be sure to travel alone from now on." Bella then smiled as she then looked at Tiffany with the beat that grin. Tiffany looked away as she was unimpressed, but she conceded this time. Ring ring Luca, then got a text. Luca then looked at the text. He actually was excited when he saw the text and the text immediately respond back. This was a surprising reaction. That was coming from Luca as they never seemed this excited before. It was almost like this was the most important news that he had ever seen.

"Hey guys I'm going to have to leave soon." Luca then finished his dessert quickly as he then got ready. "I have something important that I have to do immediately. Emma, can you take them home?"

"Yeah sure but what's up?" Emma said as she was bewildered by Luca's excited composure. He was rather giddy that he looked like he was about to explode. Luca then said with a smile before he dashed away.

"A deal of a lifetime." The other three were rather silent as they didn't know what they just saw. Luca looks like a kid who got a present from Santa. It was that weird as he didn't even say buy. Even Tiffany was blank about what just happened, as it was a rare occurrence. Usually, if there were something to have to happen Luca would always take her home first. So what happened was rather awkward because now both Bella and Tiffany were glaring at each other. Emma was the one that had to suffer the most as she was the one that has to now deal with both of them.

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