Uh...that was wrong

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At first, Bella was really off with her work. Even after all the time she was watching, it was nothing compared to actually performing the work. Originally she thought it wouldn't. But then Luca would look at it and point out the mistake really quickly. Bella was surprised that Luca could do his work while focusing on her. Despite being slower than usual, Luca and Bella could get the work done.

"Are you sure you're doing your job correctly?" Bella said as she was lying on the couch. She was rather tired so she lay there exhausted.

"Well I am taking it slower than usual. But I am getting it right." Luca said as he was still typing.

"If you make a mistake, then obviously you are going to cause more problems for your company than before." Bella pointed out.

"Don't worry there are those that double-check and send it back to me if they see anything wrong. So far I haven't so it's fine." Luca said while continuing to look at the screen.

"How am I going to be like you?" Bella said as she found it to be harder than it seems.

"Trust me beginners always have these struggles even me."

"Really then, what was it like on your first day." Bella immediately got up as she was rather interested in Luca's first day. But Luca smiled as he found it funny.

"I was almost fired."

"What do you mean?" Bella said. "There can't be any way you would be fired if you were this good" She reasoned because whenever she sees him work it was as if he knew all the answers. Then Luca stopped before then telling her the reason as to why.

"I was three hours late for work and when I got there, I fell asleep again."

"....Really???" Bella questioned as she found it hard to believe that the reason as to why Luca was going to get fired wasn't because of work but was because of his tardiness.

"Unfortunately I always had a nasty habit of sleeping late," Luca said. Which then got Bella rather interested in what keeps him up late.

"And what do you do that keeps you up so late?" Bella said as she quickly got a lot more closer to Luca.

"Calm down, it's nothing too serious I don't go out anywhere. I simply spend so much time online that I really get distracted on time." Luca pointed out. This got Bella to back up a little as she realized what he meant. But then again it could be something else as well.

"Soooo..you spend time with women online..." Bella said. Luca drinking tea then was about to choke on it as he didn't expect such a thought.

"Cough...cough....What makes you think I do that?" Luca said. Looking away, Bella seems to be rather mad about it as she doesn't know if she found out the truth or said something hard to imagine.

"Well the way you treat me so nice and say pleasant words you probably have spent time with many girls," Bella said as she looked away. Luca then was thinking about when he was playing online. He did spend time with girls online to play games. But that was because they were better than him at that time. He recalled that some were really nice and some were really bad. Some were real and some were really fake. It was interesting that time. So when she met Laurie who was actually very good he left those because he didn't want to get into that.

"Uhmmm...okay, that might be the case in certain things. But...I promise there was nothing that I did that would get you to think that I was doing anything with them. "Luca said innocently as she was pleading for his forgiveness.

"That explains why you are so comfortable talking with women," Bella said as she continued to look away. But she was starting to go red.

"No, I didn't learn anything about hitting on girls," Luca said as he then got closer to Bella. She then shies away a little before Luca said something. "I just only do that to you." But Bella didn't say anything as she thought that Luca just wanted to hide the fact that he has spent time with many women. But in actuality, there were two: Laurie and Tiffany who he both views as close friends but nothing more. Thinking about what to do, Luca then quickly changed the subject to not talking about it anymore. "How about we eat? It is dinner time."

"Well I'm still injured so shouldn't you help me get there," Bella said as she was moving her feet. She was trying to point out.

"You are right, sorry," Luca said as she walked closer to Bella. However, Bella didn't think this through as then she remembered that Luca princess carried her last time. Just remembering that embarrassing moment, she was more hesitant. Then she moved back.

"Wait wait stop what you are doing? Are doing what you do with all your other women friends." Bella said as she was backing away.

"First I'm only going to carry you down there," Luca said, confused. "Second you the only one I have ever carried like this"

"But..tha..that was then. This is now." Bella said as she was thinking that Luca was being a player. " Get my maids here and have them help me up. And just go there I'll be there soon"

" ...Okay then I'll be right back," Luca said as he then got a maid. Bella was then looking away as she was trying to calm her heart. He is a dangerous influence, she thought. She thought that he was a gentleman but maybe he actually is a guy who hits on girls. I mean, she looks at herself and she looks pretty good. Thinking that she might be in danger in the future, she then got on her phone. Bella then was looking on the phone searching up how to stop the advances of men. Though it sounded stupid but she was for sure going to need it as she was losing the fight. Haaa she sighed at times like these she wondered if her previous memories would help with this type of situation. Looking at the phone she was then going to get her results. However, as she looks it seems like she really misunderstood him.

After looking at the phone, she then realized that rather than him it might be her. She planted the face on a pillow if she made a mistake. But then again, after taking time thinking about it. He never took advantage of her at all. Actually, now that she thinks about it, bringing him to the house, playing water with him, making sure to spend time with each other and taking care of each other. So now that she thinks about it he was the victim.....

"I guess I should apologize to him later..."

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