Things are coming back

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Crack crack in the middle of the hallway Bella who was bringing some glass drink to her room dropped it all of a sudden. Looking at the broken shards everywhere she left it as she walked past it without care. Others came as Bellla walked past them.

"Clean it up." She demanded which shocked the maids.

"Pardon?" Before she could get an answer Bella stood still. Before then looking around, especially her hand.

"Where did I...." she then turned realizing what she done. "Haaa...I'm sorry!!!!" Trying to help clean it up the maids stop her.

" Don't worry miss I got it." Seeing she was back to normal the maid helped her out.

"You sure?"

"Yes no worries." Seeing the kind Bella was always delightful after all.

In the car

"Today was a good day." Tiffany said as she was still rather happy despite being up for awhile... "I never imagine doing this every day could be so much fun."

"Right when it comes to work I never thought that it could be this fun." Luca supported. "If only we could do this everyday, I wouldn't feel like this was work at all."

"That was exactly how I felt. I didn't think I was working at all." Tiffany said. They then both laugh as they were rather enjoying it. Then Tiffany changed the mood as she was being rather serious yet appreciative. "Thanks Luca...."

"Why are you being so serious." Luca said.

"Because I never thought I would make good friends like them. If you hadn't given it more time, I would have been making enemies than friends. So thank you." Tiffany said sincerely. It's been like a month yet that time Tiffany was friends with the two. And they aren't friends because of money or status, it's because they really like each other and want to spend time together.

"That's what friends do." Luca said. "You never know who you are friends with but you have to give it a try before you close that door. And sometimes that relation could develop."

"Right!!! That's why I hope that whatever happens in the future, Us four could be together like this forever." Tiffany said. Though those words hurt Luca more than anything as he knew that was impossible. As he was driving he couldn't help but feel sad about that.

"Yes that is something I hope for as well." Luca said as he was hiding his hint of sadness. But this was something that he had to balance out as well. The fact that he had to make the most of it before he leaves. But still with things that are going now there is no way he could leave the company. It was going to be busy from now on.

"What's wrong Luca you are worrying about something." Tiffany asked as she notice Luca's silence.

" ...I think right now the company will get more busy and we will have to work at the office." Luca said as he was telling his thoughts. Tiffany was going to refute but she couldn't.

"Yeah..I notice too. The works seem to pile up."

"I hope that is the worst of it." Luca said as he was still thinking. Then he got a ring from his phone. He then handed to Tiffany as he knew who it was. Tiffany then looked at the phone just to realize who it was. This late it must be an emergency.

"Hello John what's the matter?" Tiffany answered.

"Oh hey Tiffany is Luca there?" John said.

"Yeah I'm here. I'm just driving." Luca said as he connected the phone to the car.

"Good, both of you are here. I need you two to come to the office tomorrow. I have assignments I need to give both of you." John said,

"Ok we got it we will meet you tomorrow morning." Tiffany said.

"Then you two have a good night." John said as he hung up the phone. Tiffany then looked at Luca in concern.

"What do you think happened? Is it serious? Tiffany asked as usual when that happened meaning John really needed the two to do something.

"Well we will find out. Knowing him he asked us, because we are the ones that should be able to solve the problem." Luca said.

"Then it must be serious." Tiffany said as she leaned on the edge of the car.

" Let's not think about it tonight. We should worry when it happens." Luca said as he continued to drive.

For Bella's end after she got home, she was looking at the pictures that they had. Though she laughed at the ones with the group. The one she stared at the most was the one with her and Luca. She tossed in turns and couldn't wait for the next day. But she then touched her lips thinking if only they could do a good night kiss. But he said he was coming back soon so she was so excited. Oh she thought how she would feel to have a goodnight kiss. She kept looking at the picture as she kept imagining what to do next. Until suddenly a voice surprised her.

"Isn't love such wonderful thing." Selene said as she spooked her.

"Selene!!! Can you please knock on the door?" Bella said as she quickly put the phone away.

"Oh I did but a certain individual was more focused on what she sees rather than what she hears." Selene then looked at the phone.

"Shut up it's not like that. I was just thinking that was all." Bella said as she was getting inside her blanket. Sitting on the side of the bed Selene decided to tease more.

"Ah thinking. Then I guess you are thinking about what you are going to do to him tomorrow." Bella then blushed red as she couldn't help but think about it. Bella then covers herself with a blanket.

"....I..ah thinking I have a ...fever..I should sleep." Seeing this Selene chuckled. She then got closer to Bella.

"Well if you are going to sleep then I guess you shouldn't be using your phone."

"I..i..know... just give me some time." Bella said as she was wanting for Luca him just a little longer.

"Very well good night milady." Selene said as she then left the room. And as she did there were a bunch of maids surrounding the door.

"Sooo, have they gotten far yet." One of the maids asked.

"Things are going well it seems." Selene said.

"That's good, it's only been a few days and already they started clicking." One of the maid said.

"Did you see the times they are trying to sneak a kiss when going to the bathroom. romantic." Another maid said.

"Oh then there was a time they were holding hands when they were walking the house. So cute." They all were spying on them during the entire time as they knew. They have been working for quite some time and with all they saw they were for sure certain that Bella fell in love with Luca. Not to mention how he always seems to be proactive before they become a couple was obvious to everyone except for Tiffany and Emma for some reason. But then again they were still young and naive they think. The maids still wonder how they don't know to this point.

"But still I feel like they deserve more time together." One of the maid said.

"Right they are keeping it a secret because they don't know if they will ruin the relationship. Just thinking about it makes me wonder why they are so considerate to them." One of the maids was actually touched by that.

"Okay we should stop that fantasising." Selene said." What we should do is make sure that they have more time to themselves."

"You don't mean?" A maid said. Which Selene then smiled with a very happy grin.

"It's time we cupids bring the two a little closer." Selene said. Then everyone smiled as well. They knew what was going down and they were just as excited to be a part of it. Then unconsciously both Bella and Luca sneezed not knowing what was in store for them. They didn't figure that their balancing act might be much easier than before.

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