A spa is enjoyable

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After arriving in California they then made it to the spa. During the entire time Bella continues to be on the opposite side of Luca. Though no one cared so much as Bella just continued to talk to Tiffany and Emma. When they got to the spa resort Bella was more talkative and was telling them what they should do. They were interested as she never seemed that excited before. When registering the rooms, it was originally having everyone wanting their own room. But when talking with each other, Tiffany, Emma and Bella decided to have one big room together. Luca thought it would be best to have the three in separate rooms but this was the first time they have spent the night together so they thought it would be nice to have a sleepover of sorts. They actually were excited by that. Luca had his own room of course but he preferred it that way because he wanted to see if there was anything else he had to do while also talking to Laurie. After getting their rooms they decided to settle down and rest for an hour before they would get back together. Luca then went to his room as he then got his laptop set up and called Laurie.

"Hello...?" Laurie said as she sounded like she just woke up.

"Laurie!!! This is Luca I'm sorry but can you tell the other three that I won't be back for a few days?" Luca asked. Though he was slightly embarrassed and shy because this was a last minute thing which he kinda forgot about having to message Laurie.

"Mmm..what else is new..." Laurie said as she was sounding like she was falling back asleep. "Well guess I will get the team a vaca as well...."

"Thanks and tell them....." Luca was going to say before Laurie hung up the phone. He then looked at the time and it should be like 6 at their time. What on earth did Laurie do last night that would make her that tired. Well as long as he is informed he is good. Seeing that he then changed clothes as he enjoyed the robes they gave out. It was so soft and really gave him a sense of comfort. Not to mention since he was in a spa he can enjoy wearing more loose clothing.

The three others didn't have to worry about doing any form of work as they simply enjoyed the trip. Emma was outside the patio enjoying the scenery. While the other two were simply laying on the bed. After getting on the bed, Tiffany was starting to get lazy, feeling like she didn't want to do anything.

"Come on Tiffany you can't be sleeping on bed right now. We have things that we can do before that happens." Emma said as she dragged Tiffany up off the bed.

"Sorry but it just feels good." Tiffany said as she fell straight back to the bed.

"Well let's get changed first. Then we can go to the hot tub. I don't know about you guys but I think that would be nice right now." Bella said. "After that we can get some nice massages."

"Mhmm just hearing that sounds nice." Tiffany said as she put her hands up. Seeing that Both Emma and Bella pulled her up. "Ok but you better not make me fall asleep. Sometimes these things make me so sleepy."

"Ok ok. Let's get ready Luca is probably waiting for us right now." Emma said as she then grabbed some clothes before heading to the bathroom.

"Right.. Yeah." Bella said. She didn't know how the interaction was going to happen especially since they were doing things together. She was avoiding him all day yet this feeling was constantly in her mind. She had wished that Luca and Tiffany could be away for a few days so that she could set her mind straight. But she ended up coming along. She really questioned why her dad wanted her to go in the first place. With no way around she decided to get change. Hopefully with how Emma and Tiffany have been interacting with Luca. Bella doesn't have to interact with him she thought. All she had to do is get in the hot spring and relax. Nothing too hard right. Thinking that Bella nodded as she knew what to do. Tiffany and Emma saw that and wondered if she was really okay.

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