The next day??

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Ring ring ring phone was ringing Bella was in bed and she was trying to reach but could as it was too far. She was so sleepy that she couldn't make an effort. She was grabbing something, but it wasn't the phone. Then the alarm turned off. Hearing that, Bella went back to sleep. Then she cuddled to the closet warmest thing and started hugging it as though it was a pillow. She was very unconscious, so she really didn't know what she was doing. Then later someone snuggled up to her, but it was a female sound so Bella didn't care. It sounded like Emma, so Bella just went back to sleep. However, both of them didn't realize that neither of them was in either of each other's house. They were in a studio in a queen's size bed. Not to mention there was another person present on the bed. That person made a noise as he was just as unconscious as them. Making none of them realize how they got into the situation till a few hours later.

Bella was starting to wake up after three hours. While waking up, she noticed that someone was hugging her too tight. She was starting to wake up because of that and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Emma could you please not hug me so tight," Bella said as she was trying to get the hand out of the way.

"Mmmm" Emma was starting to wake up because of that and let her hands go from behind. Then she was feeling another arm that was on her back.

"Emma moves your arm please," Bella said as she was trying to move the hand. Then Emma said something that rather shocked Bella.

"I already did. So could you let me sleep?" Emma said as she was grabbing the blanket. Bella then realized that Emma's voice was behind her. And yet there was someone in front of her. Her eyes that were sleepy suddenly became awake. There was a blanket on top of the person as to why Luca didn't notice. Bella then guessed who it might be but just in case he peeled the blanket slowly just to see who it was. And she guessed it, it was Luca sleeping so soundly. To make matters worse, there were lipstick marks on his face that showed as well. Bella then silently put the blanket back before she was trying to get out of the bed. However, that moment never came. Feeling cold, Emma went back to cuddling with Bella as she was feeling cold. Trying to get out of Emma's clutches.

"Emma got off of me. Woahh." Bella said as Luca then cuddled with Bella as well. Now Bella was caged with no way of escaping. She then sighed as she looked up at the ceiling. It was plain white. She had never been here before. How did she end up here? She then looked at herself, thinking did she lose her memory again. She was trying to think, but her head hurt so much. Emma then got closer to Bella.

"Stop moving around Bella I'm ..sle..mor..." Emma said as she instantly went back to sleep. Bella then didn't know what to do as she was literally stuck between two things. Although she wasn't uncomfortable she just felt like she can't get out of bed. But then after being in a very comfortable spot and laying next to Luca, she was feeling very comfortable. To the point that she tried to resist the temptation to sleep. However, after feeling extra comfortable, she was then falling asleep again.

After a few more hours, Bella was starting to wake up. Her head hurt a lot, but she got either way. Thinking that it was a bad dream where she was sleeping with Emma and Luca in a random place. Sleeping with Emma was fine, but sleeping with Luca was not something she would have felt comfortable with.

A free hour later

"Can somebody get me some water," Bella said as she was rubbing her head. She was thinking a maid would come. But then as she was looking around she then realized that this was not her room. Rather it was smaller. Realizing that she was in a one person's place, she tried to look at her clothes to make sure that she wasn't violated or such. She then checked her clothes to see that everything was perfectly fine in a sigh of relief. Then she looked to see if Emma was here. But when she looked around, there was no one. She walked around to see if there was anything or anyone around. It was weird as she has never been to such a small place. Her room was four times bigger than this already. Even looking at the kitchen and bathroom, it was just as small. Walking around she just saw a computer, desk, and a small dining table. There wasn't much else, not even pictures of other furniture to make it look nice. To be frank, it was rather plain, but the good thing was there was less mess. Bella then looks to see the closet to see anything. There were also a few clothes as well, making it so empty. As she was looking around at the stuff, the door suddenly made a noise. Bella was rather scared as she was wondering who that was.

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