I made mistakes

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For the day and the next, Luca was dealing with the work-life that they were doing. It wasn't easy but Luca did it nevertheless. As he was working though because of his efforts he gained the respect of all of them. They would eat together, talk to each other and help each other. For the next two days, Luca would struggle with work but would always do his best. At first many of the workers just wanted to see Luca suffer, but within a short time, Luca was suggesting recommendations and things that would help the safety of the workers and make sure that everyone was getting things done faster. Many were not wanting such things as they felt like they have been doing it for a while. Why change? But Luca then said that he would talk to John about upgrading the factories to help with making sure that many of the workers would be more productive while avoiding injuries. As the shift was finally over, Robert and Nick both can together and created a contract that was created. Everyone saw that contract and agreed it was a good contract. All the workers cheered as they all were happy with the contract.

The next morning the contract was approved by John who was satisfied with the result. With his approval, Nick and Robert were able to sign the contract. With that everything was settled. And though Luca was happy he was able to finally rest as he was so tired. All the workers laughed at him for it. All of them were then able to eat together before Nick and Luca then had to leave as they had finished their business. They were kinda sad to see Luca go but they had to part in the end.

"Look forward to when you get stronger," Connor said.

"I don't think with my work I will ever be able to lift that much," Luca said as they then gave a good handshake.

"Look forward to doing more business with you," Robert said.

"Hopefully you don't do any more of these theatrics again," Luca said.

"Maybe," Robert said. While the workers didn't know what they were talking about but it was better to keep it on the lowdown. Especially when they realize they were in a way being used. So it's better to keep it a secret.

"Well hopefully not. Bye, everyone!!!" Luca said as he then got into the car.

"Bye." Everyone said as they all waved goodbye. Leaving in the car with Nick, Luca was satisfied with his results. Now he can go back home and relax. Play games as it has been two days. Also, he can finally message back, Bella again as it has been awhile hopefully she is doing okay as it has been awhile. Though it was his fault for forgetting his phone. He hoped that Laurie who was messaging her would understand. Especially since the work he has been doing the last two days were rather exhausting, so he would go work with them before then going back to the hotel to crash to sleep. Feeling this way, he slept in the car as he really needed to get more sleep.

Arriving back, he first went to the gaming house as he first wanted to get his phone. He really wanted to get that before then heading back to Bella. Though he was tired, he still wanted to spend some time with Bella as he really wanted to spend time with her. Seeing her face was a breath of fresh air indeed. Arriving at the gaming house, Luca rang the doorbell. But no one was answering the doorbell. Looking at the time, Luca couldn't help but guess why. Since it was the afternoon the team wouldn't wake up this early as they spent a long night as usual. Waiting awhile finally the one that answered was Laurie. But instead of being excited, Laurie was rather mad. She soon dragged Luca as she wanted answers.

"Luca, why did you make me call? Did you do it on purpose?"

"I'm glad to see you too. But what do you mean I did it on purpose?"

"When I called a few days ago that was Selene. Did you do that so I would talk to her?"

"I didn't make you talk to Selene, this was Bella's phone, so why would I make you talk to her?"

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