Nighttime hero

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Back at the headquarters. Nelson was now calling Selene to get a report of Bella.

"I see she is there already. Well as long they are there she should be fine." Nelson said as he was looking at a few papers. They weren't actually part of his business, they were actually Bella;s work that John sent to Nelson. Nelson was rather satisfied with the work. And was looking forward to seeing more.

"Sir if I might ask?" Selene wondered as she was rather curious about something.

"What is it?" Nelson wondered as this was unusual for her to ask something,

"Why did you let her go with them? Don't you think Bella will get more attached with Luca." This then caused Nelson to stop looking at his papers. He then dropped them on the table before sighing. He wasn't wanting to think that.

"It's not like I don't want to. But I have a feeling that Bella wants to find out about something from him." Nelson said as he don't know what it is. But he has a hunch. It might be like a father's intuition." Something that Selene questioned.


"Bella has to find that answer herself. Even if she didn't go, she would have gone either way." Nelson said.

"I'm not sure I understand what you are saying but will respect your decision." Selene said.

"Ok let's leave it for now. Hanging up." Nelson as he then hung up the phone. Nelson then looked at the contract that Luca signed. The contract though was something he needed to do but felt like was something that might cause some sadness for his daughter. It's not like he didn't want them to be together but he wanted to see Bella make a decision that wasn't based purely on emotion. He felt like if Bella was to stick with Luca it would be good but it would be hard on her the same time. No one knows what will happen if she rejects him when she gets his memory back. It will be heartbreaking for both of them if that situation were to happen. Once she has her memories cleared up, whatever her decision is hers. So it's better if they separate now than face that moment. Nelson then put the contract away as he then continued to look at Bella's work. Just seeing this has made all of it worth it at the moment.

While relaxing at the resorts, they went to do an hour of massage before eating dinner. It was a good dinner but Bella continues to be a rather quiet person like before. She had small conversations here and there but they were just minor. Never once did she ever look at Luca at all. This made Luca more curious even when they went back to their own rooms to sleep. As he was laying in bed he continued to think that. Before the kiss, Bella would talk, have a chat and even have fun. But now it seems that she doesn't even want to talk with him. Luca was thinking about that all night as he kept twisting and turning on the bed. He was trying to work on a few things but no matter what he did he couldn't focus. A few days was okay but eventually that built up for him. He didn't like it at all. And wanted to talk back. But there is never a moment for the two to be by themselves. Bella was always smart for some reason to always be with the other girls so that they never were able to talk privately. When did she get so smart Luca wondered. Ha he sighed as he was trying to distract himself but it wouldn't. Seeing this he then grabbed his towel and went out of his room. He needed to go to the hot springs as he needed something to relieve his stress.

In the meantime, Bella was in her room laying in bed. Everyone was very sleepy so after chatting and talking everyone went to sleep. But that was for those two. Those two were sound asleep. But Bella was having a hard time sleeping. This has been like this for the past few days. Every night she would get some sleep before waking up having the same dream all over again. It had the same image of that one person over and over again. Why did it have to be him, Bella thought. Despite sleeping next to Tiffany and Emma comfortably they were actually making it worse as they were grabbing on to her. She felt so restrained that she couldn't even move. Seeing that she wasn't able to sleep she slowly moved Tiffany and Emma to the sides while slowly getting dressed. She felt like since there was nothing better to do, it would be good to go to the natural hot springs again. Since it was late Bella hoped that it would be empty. She then changed her clothes while quietly sneaking out of the room.

While walking Bella noticed that there was a lot of noise in front of her. She thought it was strange as it isn't the public space. So there should be less noise to be exact. But as she got closer and closer the noise got louder. There was music and a lot of talking that was surprising for a private room. Then when she got closer she noticed that there was a party in there. Bella seeing this was then going to turn around. Unfortunately she couldn't as two men approached.

"What's this, you're also invited to come to the party as well?" The two asked as they were already drunk.

"No, I walked to the wrong place and was going to leave." Bella said as she was trying to walk past them. However the two didn't let that happen. As one of them grabbed her hand. " Hey let me go!" Bella said as she resisted.

"Sorry but letting a beautiful lady go is against our principle." The guy holding her said. " Come on it would be fun!!" He said with lust in his eyes.

"Yes yes why don't you join us. It might be fun." The other guy said as they helped drag her to the room.

"No no let me go." Bella struggles to get away from them. Seeing that she couldn't force them with pure strength. She then started to kick and bite the two. The two were then grabbing the place they got injured. One of them was so mad that they hit Bella in the face. Knocking her down in pain.

"This woman!!! Do you know who I am? You should be honored that I picked you!!!" He said as he was seeing blood on his hands. Looking at Bella who was rather frozen for a moment as she looked dazed. She then grabbed her head as it hurted more than expected. Soon images were starting to show up. The two were looking at her with anger. She then looked around before looking at two with disgust and hate.

"Going into a spa and acting like barbarians. I guess spas these days don't care for standards." Bella insulted. She still had that defiant face. Seeing it as an insult the man then went to try and grab her to slap her. With nothing to do Bella then looked at them with the same expression as she didn't seem to care. However that attack never came. Someone stopped the men in his tracks.

"I would be appreciative if you were to not harm my girlfriend." Luca said as he then grabbed the man's hand to stop. He struggled to get his hand back before doing everything to let go. But Luca noticed this and let go, making the man fall. After that Luca then helped Bella up. " Are you ok?" He asked as he was looking at the injury she occurred. Seeing it Luca was looking very angry that Bella didn't see before. However as she fell down she was blank again as she was wondering what just happened.

"Who the hell are you?!! I can sue you for assault." The man said as he helped his friend. I'm a lawyer. I can make sure you are in jail for the rest of your life." But Luca didn't seem to care at all. The only concern was Bella. Luca then went on to guide Bella away from them. But the man then seeing Luca ignore him was about to grab him. However the moment the man grabbed on to Luca's robe, Luca immediately grabbed his hand and threw him to the ground. The man coughed and felt so much pain before Luca stepped on him.

"You deserve more than this but I'll let you off with this right now." Luca said as he continued walking. "Oh by the way when you are sober try to look to see who you offended. That might ruin your reputation." Luca said as he then took Bella away.

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