Chapter 1 The first meet

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With the glowing jewel that lit before her eyes, she slowly takes off the ring she holds so dear. Slowly taking it off, she sees engraving inside the ring. Giving a kiss, she then put it inside a box before leaving it inside a drawer alongside a phone. Wiping her tears in her eyes, she took a deep breath before continuing fidgeting and shaking as the camera was adjusted by a beautiful lady. She was then looking at the camera on her computer. With no makeup or anything special on, she looked at the camera. There was no chat or streaming going on. There wasn't even anyone there on the computer. The one and only audience she wanted to listen to her speech was herself.

"Hi me...this is my story for you. It all began in May 2020 upon a bright morning......

Ring Ring Ring

He opened his eyes as he heard the alarm of his phone ring. Though he was going to grab it, he realized the phone wasn't next to him. It was on the opposite side of the room and didn't want to go grab it. But the ring was annoying, so he had to go to it. Surprisingly, he was sleeping on his desk and didn't even realize he was as he slid down his chair just to collapse on the floor. Thinking it was too much work to get up he rolled to his phone. The phone was on top of his bed, and he was trying to use his arms to grab it. However, he still couldn't reach it. Eventually, on the carpet floor, he was getting sleepy again. His hand that was starting to grab the phone was soon slowly going to the floor. The alarm was still going off yet as he kept lying on the floor he slowly closed his eyes to go back to sleep. The man stayed up all night so he eventually dozed off again, feeling slightly in a comfortable spot; he then just got the sensation to go to sleep again. Little did he know what was said on the alarm. It was his job that he had been working for 2 years already. And he was late, again....

A few hours later.

Ring ring there was another ring from the phone only this time it was a different sound. The person was still half dazed and although still tired was a lot more awake compared to before. This time he was able to climb on top of his bed to be able to open his phone. He notices that after looking at the phone he notices that it was his coworkers who were calling him. Although he didn't want to talk on the phone as he was still tired, he still answers the call anyway. Putting it on speakerphone he slowly tries to get extra sleep.

"Hwallo?" He said as he couldn't even say the proper words out.

"Hey!!!! Where are you?!!! You were supposed to be here two hours ago." The coworker said as she was yelling at him to get up. This alerted the guy as he instantly got a surge of motivation to get up. He then checked the time as he saw it was 11:43 he was supposed to be at work at 10 and the time it took for him to get there were twenty minutes.

"I'll be there soon!!!" Hanging up the phone he quickly ran to get changed. Fortunately, he didn't have too many clothes. Also, he has a studio making sure that everything was there. He just got the jacket, pants, and shoes and he just dipped out the door. He then slowly went back as he got his glasses, phone wallet, and keys before he dipped out the door again. Slowly rushing back he then grabbed some papers for his job. Finally, he had everything ready before he could go to work.

With haste, he got into his car. He was already going a little bit over the speed limit but he was still trying to be a good driver nonetheless. However, after about ten minutes he went slower and was driving within the speed limit as he knew he was already late so there was no risk to take the drive fast. Stopping at a red sign he was spectating the people who were driving in the streets. Haaa... he sighed that he was late to work again. It's not like he was purposely trying to be late for work. But sometimes when he is working on things he wants to do, sometimes it really does take priority over work. Especially when he is young. His time is running out and he can't waste it. He then grabbed his phone as he was looking at the text he got from some of his friends. There was a group message that was talking about some stuff. Everyone started to wake up and was posting messages about when to get online and when to meet up again. The message was then saying to meet at 6 o'clock so that they could get started early as it was important that everyone meet. Seeing this he then messaged a thumbs up that was confirming he was going to be there. He then let the phone drop as he was getting back on the road. Being ten minutes away it wasn't that bad. But he knew for sure that he was going to get a mouth full again.

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