"You are not running a fever, shall I grab the doctor?" He raised an eyebrow.

You shook your head tiredly, "N-not yet, he deserves to sleep."

"And you deserve to be taken care of, as soon as we are finished here I will find him, alright?" He argued, you simply nodded in agreement, too tired to try to fight it. The nausea only got worse as the stomach acid turned to painful dry-heaving that left your core and throat sore. Once finished, Spock helped you clean up and helped you dress. He gave you a soft kiss on the forehead before looking into your eyes, "I am going to grab the doctor, please stay here." You could tell he was trying to hide his worry as you nodded softly in agreement. After around fifteen minutes of you fighting off sleep, your husband came back with Bones carrying a medical bag.

"Good morning princess, I hear that a sort of stomach bug is giving you trouble?" He questioned as he brought out some equipment and a pencil and clipboard.

You replied groggily, "Yeah."

"Has this happened before?"

"For the past week, I've been waking up feeling nauseated along with migraines, but this is the first that I've actually thrown up."

"I see, are you sexually active?" He questioned while writing down notes.

"Yes," You answered blushing as you fidgeted with your nightgown.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, princess. You had sex with Prince Spock around six weeks ago, correct?"

"Yes, that's correct." You nodded.

"How about any mood swings or heightened anxiety, have you had either of those?"

"Yes to both."

"And your last menstrual cycle?"

"It's late by two weeks." You replied nervously, he wrote all of this down as he pulled out a stethoscope.

"Now this is where things get a bit more uncomfortable, would you mind pulling up your nightgown?" He asked. You nodded and pulled it up, only for him to softly press your lower abdomen.

He then once again took out his clipboard and started writing once more, "Have you noticed any bloating or weight gain as of recently?"

"Yes to both, the weight gain is a healthy amount while the bloating is a bit more annoying."

"Alright, this is going to be cold," He warned as he put the rubber tips of the stethoscope in his ears and the metal plate of it against where he was pressing. He instructed you to breathe deeply and exhale, you continued this a couple of times before letting you free from the freezing metal. "Alright, you can set down your nightgown." You nodded as he focused on writing.

"Do you have a diagnosis, doctor?" Spock asked with a tone of worry showing slightly in his voice.

"Yes, actually, and I believe congratulations are in order. For you see, Princess (Y/N) here is pregnant." He smirked.

"You're joking," You gasped.

"Nope, is this not good news?"

"No no! This is good news! Just shocked, is all." You stated nervously, practically stumbling over your words. Your head swam with doubts, worries, and anxieties. Spock was strangely silent about this. You looked up at him, finding him tensed up.

"Spock, you alright?" The doctor asked. He only nodded slightly. "Ok then, I can see that this is news neither of you were expecting so I'm just going to go ahead and give you a few warnings. I'd suggest pulling (Y/N) from the meetings as her social anxiety in this case can become stronger due to her hormones which can cause more stress and harm to the fetus. You seem to have conceived during pon'farr meaning you're around six weeks along and you have a long way to go, as I am already the physician for Queen Felicity, I'll be unable to help you until after her child's birth, after that, however, I'll begin coming to you every two weeks to help out and will begin staying at your kingdom two weeks prior the due date. Until I can help you, I'll be assigning Nurse Chapel to be your physician, does this sound like a good plan?"

"Yes, this will be sufficient," Spock replied.

"Alright, I will leave you two alone, though I do suggest informing the King and Queen of your condition." He advised, you simply nodded and he left. Instantly you breathed out and leaned back onto the bed.

"Are we even ready for this?" You questioned.

"I do not have an answer this time," He sighed as he leaned over and pressed his index and middle fingers together in front of him. He was just as nervous as you were.

Tears threatened to break out of your eyes, "I-I don't want to end up like my dad."

"I have the same worries." He agreed shakily.

"Do you want a child?" You asked.

"Of course, I just didn't expect it to be so soon, and you?"

"It's the same here. I know you won't end up like Sarek, you're much kinder than he is, you actually hold consideration for mistakes and humanity."

"Thank you, I also know that it is impossible for you to become like Darek, unlike him, you know how to handle emotions and the faults of others." He replied, making you laugh.

"I think you just said what I did except in more intelligent words!" You smiled sitting up, you rubbed the tears from your eyes as he looked at you with a fond smile.

"You always know how to smile, I know that you will do more than fine as a mother." He breathed out as he kissed you on the cheek.

"And with your intelligence and emotional stability, I fully believe that you will easily be an excellent father." You replied, kissing him softly on the lips.

"Would you like me to tell your brother?"

"No I have him handled, but I would prefer you to tell your parents."

"Understood, we will find our individuals circa eight. For now, we should get some more sleep."

"That sounds wonderful, my love."

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