Chapter 19

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 AN: Ashel-veh=darling

You got back to the art studio to find Spock waiting for you, the bag of items in his hands. He handed it to you and you gladly took it back. "Thank you." You smiled.

"There is no need to thank me, princess, I just knew that you would accidentally forget about it." He replied, making you laugh. It was then that your Russian friend came to greet you.

"Pwincess! Vat are you doin' here?" He asked excitedly.

"Oh, just the same old escape from my kingdom, what else would I be doing?" You joked.

"Yes, I had heard zat zings vere getting vorse over zere. I am vewy glad you got here safely."

"I do not mean to interrupt the conversation, but I do need to talk of important matters with the princess in private." Spock butted in. You swore you could see just the tiniest hint of jealousy in those brown eyes of his.

"Of course, sir." Chekov nodded and made his lead. Spock then guided you away to another place.

"Jealous much, love?" You smirked.

"I do not get jealous, ashal-veh. I do have something of importance to talk to you about."

"Where are we heading?"

"You will see." He responded.

"All right, then. Keep your secrets." You smiled, making him raise an eyebrow at your response. Eventually, the two of you found your way to a bedroom with red drapes and an assortment of decorations. It was rather dark and gloomy. "Please don't tell me this is your bedroom, Spock." You guessed, he looked down at you, slightly taken back.

"Is there something wrong with my choices of decoration, (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Well- it's rather gloomy don't you think? It looks quite a bit like my bedroom when I was twelve and was going through what my mother called my 'angsty pre-teen phase'. I really think you could use a bit more light in here."

"It suits my needs." He shrugged. "But I suppose I could add some light."

"Are there any windows in here?"

"Naturally, I just have the drapes closed." He stated. You nodded and let in some natural light.

"Wow, would you look at that, it's almost like there's a sun." You said sarcastically making Spock roll his eyes.

"There is no need for sarcasm, if the state of my bedroom really upsets you so much, I can change it."

"It doesn't actually bother me, love, I'm just teasing you. I do remember a certain conversation back in the gardens where you said you didn't mind the teasing as long as I didn't do it too much."

"That is correct." He nodded. "Now onto more important matters, do you understand how Vulcan marriages work?"

"Not really."

"I see... There comes a time every seven years when a Vulcan goes through Pon'farr, or the mating time. For an engaged couple, this is also when kal'i'farr happens, or marriage. If you were to choose to back down, you would initiate kal-if-fee, or the act of challenge, though I am assuming that won't be the case. Do you understand so far?" He explained with a worried tone as you made yourself comfortable on his bed as you sensed that this would be a longer conversation. Once you gave a nod of understanding, he continued on. "Pon'farr is a type of punishment where we can no longer control ourselves and emotions, it lasts for eight days and to end it we must either mate, kill another person, somehow meditate through it, or evidently- die. Very few have been able to meditate through it as it requires extreme focus and dedication that only the best of Vulcan's have."

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