I've seen some of the softball players snapchat stories and I am not excited for confrontation.

Their gonna try to start shit, and try to physch us out before the game, but we know we're better than them.

We were watching some of their games, and their good, but we can do better

Usually Im nervous as hell before the games, especially the championship, but for some reason I'm not.

Maybe because everything is going well right now, maybe because my dad won't be watching my every move. Or maybe just because of Coal in general.

"He thinks he's some hot shit doesn't he?" Riley scoffs, "News flash, sexualizing is not attractive."

I turn my attention back towards Lucas Thompson's recent post- oh hell no.

It's a picture of me at the last game.

In big text it says, "This is the number 1 softball player in the state? Looks like some cheerleader to me."

That's honestly the most cringy "roast" i've ever heard.

It's the fact that it doesn't even effect me.

His brain and his dick are the same size.

I break out into a laugh, struggling to catch my breath. I laugh for a long time, taking looks at the photo every few seconds.

I don't know why I find it so funny, I just do.

Everyone looks at me, like their admiring me.

Coal just smiles and shakes his head, as my harmony falls silent.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You just haven't laughed like that in a long time." Marco says.

"Oh," is all I mumble.

Coal furrows his eyebrows at my mood change, "I love your laugh."

He always knows what to say.

I bite my bottom lip to hold back my smile.

"Now let me see what your laughing about." He whisk fully takes the phone from my hand, but instead of laughing like me, he clenches his jaw.

"I don't find this funny." His grip tightens around the phone.

I give him a playful slap on the arm, "It is very funny."

"He basically said you aren't good enough to be number one." His gaze turns to me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't determine that."

Coal turns the phone off and hands it back to me aggressively, "He's gonna regret that later."

He mumbles it so quietly that I can barely hear. He probably hoped it didn't catch that, but I did.

Now I have this grown ass guy to keep tabs on all night.

We all chat for a little and drink our smoothies, but eventually the soft conversation dies down and we have to get to school.


I trudge through the school, walking back and forth in front of the clinic.

How could this happen? Right before our game?

The sweat increases on my forehead. As much as I hate Bianca, we need her out of the field.

My I hear the door knob squeak, my eyes dart to the door.

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