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Note- From now on it would be Y/N as Emma. I have given my female character a name, I hope you all are fine with it. Also, the changes have been made in the previous chapters, you can check 💫

Emma's POV

After that day, it's been a week since I didn't see Jeon Jungkook. He used to come in the English class, but I never sat near him, and neither ever passed a glance to him. He tried to come to me to say something many a times, but I never waited for him anywhere. He sent me paper chits through Jimin that he was sorry for what he did?! But somewhere I didn't wanted to trust him even a little. He had disgusted me by his act. That day I didn't leave my shower for an hour, trying to wipe off his touch from my body, but failed miserably. I could still feel how his lips were against mine, and eww all that shit he did! He doesn't deserve any forgiveness.

I had never imagined that coming away from home, my own country, to this place would end me up like this. That day, I missed my school friends a lot, I had friends here too, but none like them. I didn't tell anyone of my room mates about what happened that day, cause Steph would blame me again. I decided to forget and move on. "It's nothing Emma, don't think too much. Behave like you don't know any Jeon Jungkook doing any thing to you!"

So in this way, I tried to calm down myself and here I am. I am all good, and hopefully those scenes don't come to my mind anymore. "Emma are you free tonight?" Arnav came and sat near me in the library.

"Hii long time no see", I said packing my bag.

"Yeah, My classes were going on and I also had to appear for internship in a company so I was messed up with interview, classes, test schedules", he chuckled.

"Aahh so tiring!" I said biting my lip.

"Helly was a bit pissed at me cause we didn't get to spend some quality time together and then this came," he stopped and pulled out a ticket from his pocket. "What's that?" Curiousity was killing me.

"The students are organising a party, and that too free of cost, in the lounge near the campus. I thought of taking Helly there, she agreed and asked if you guys, you, Meng Meng and Steph could join as well?"

"Who are these students? Free of cost party for all? Are you serious?" I took the ticket from his hand. He wasn't lying, it was really a grand party invite ticket.

"Sounds like they are rich, well a lot more richer than the word rich!" He chuckles.

"Yeah, but any occasion or??" I was still doubtful.

"That I don't know, let's just focus on the enjoyment part, are you coming? Don't say a no please!" Arnav said with such puppy eyes that I couldn't deny.

"Count me and Meng Meng in!" I laughed and he smiled.

"Would love to see you there tonight! You gonna come with me and Helly in my car okay?" He said rising up from his chair.

"Okay!" I smiled and waved him off.

"Party? Free of cost? Who are these guys? And what's the special occasion? I need to know more?" I thought and ended up at the university's app.

Author's POV

"So Rihanna and my parents have agreed for our engagement, one year later from now! And that's why this party is gonna take place understood guys?" Namjoon said holding Rihanna by her waist.

"And it's such a happy occasion for us, that we are gonna invite the entire university!" Rihanna echoed.

"Why the entire university? Isn't it going to be too crowded? We could eight of us, hold a party for ourselves!" Suga said.

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