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Emma's POV

I was sitting in the library, all alone, winds had started to blow. There was no one around, it was silent, so silent that I could hear the sounds of the leaves on the nearby tree. "Hush!" I muttered to myself, when I heard someone's footsteps coming in my direction. 

"You...What the hell are you doing here?" I rose up from my seat seeing Jungkook standing there.

"Emma, listen to me. I want to apologise to you regarding whatever happened in today's english class." 

"What are you trying to say? I don't understand." Already my mood was off and this boy was getting on my nerves.

"Actually......Actually.....", he stuttered.

"You know what, I'm already very pissed. Don't try to make me more by wasting my time!" I picked up my bag and sliding it on my left shoulder hastened out.

"Stop here!" Jungkook stood before me now, grabbing my wrist. The moment he held my hand, some electric shocks travelled down my body. Why does he always make me feel like this whenever he comes near me?

"Don't you have any other work except torturing me!" I seethed clenching my fists.

"Emma don't you create a scene here. Can't you just try to listen to me ?" His hold on my wrist tightened. His piercing gaze not leaving me as his blonde hair fell on his forehead.

"Speak what you  want to say, I'm listening!" I sat back on my chair, crossing my arms over my bosom.

"You didn't forget your English notebook , it was me who asked Jimin to steal it." The ground below my feet shifted as I heard it. My eyes widened and lips parted. Tears started to well up in the corner of my eyes. I knew he hated me but to this extent, it was unbelievable.

Jungkook sat down, and took my hand in his own. "I am sorry Emma. I am so sorry , I didn't know that professor will get that angry. Please forgive me!" This enraged me. How dare he do this to me?

"You fucking jerk! Why? Why did you do this ? What did I do to get this?"I  stood up and threw his hands away.

"I didn't mean to hurt you! It all just happened, and I'm sorry for doing it. I apologized right now." He also stood up.

"What  will your sorry do now ? Will it erase all the insult I  went through in the class ? Will it cure the pain of being hit by a cane? Tell me what should I do with your sorry?" I said, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Fuck off! I don't want anything from you !" I said and ran out.

" Emma try and understand!" I could hear him yelling still.

Jungkook's POV 

"What does she think of herself ? I even apologized for my mistake and instead of accepting it, she's throwing tantrums." I said to Taehyung, who came out of his hiding place.

"Go behind her!" Tae said.

"What the hell? I won't apologize anymore!"

"I am not asking you to do that , the weather is not good,it's going to rain maybe. So go and safely send her to her dorm!" Why does this man think I will do all this stupid stuff for that kiddo?!

"Ask Jimin, I'm  not going to look after that silly nerd!" I turned my face away.

"Park Jimin went to meet campus queen,she passed by the library and he ran after her!" 

"Then forget it!" I smirked.

"You're so unreasonable , do what ever you feel like !" Taehyung said and stormed out.

LOVE STORY ✓|| A JUNGKOOK FANFICTION✧||Where stories live. Discover now