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A girl was racing down the hall, her dark hair flying out behind her. She flung herself into her mother's arms and looked up at her with wide gold eyes. "Do ya have to go?"

Violet laughed. "It will only be for a short while, Kiera."

"I know," Kiera whined, "But Krolia's going to watch over us and if I don't perfect the front flip she showed us last time she's going to give me the look."

"What look?"

Kiera arched her eyebrow and twisted her lip, giving a terrible imitation of Krolia's glare. "It's terrifying."

"You'll have your father," Violet pointed out. "And Aunt Veronica will be visiting when we come back."

"Really?" squealed Kiera. "Yay! I need to go tell Kosmo!" she turned and sprinted down the hall to wherever the wolf was.

From the moment Kiera Allura Idalia was born, she'd had a strong bond with Kosmo, Keith's wolf. Somehow she knew where he was at all times and could understand him better than any of them.

Keith walked over to watch Kiera run away, lips curling. "What is she off to now?" He looked at her pointedly. "She gets into almost as much trouble as you."

Violet sighed. "And she could rival you in hotheadedness. Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't burned down the Castle of Stars yet."

Keith laughed and tugged her against him, pressing his lips to hers. It had been ten years since she'd been crowned queen of Erythia and established her council, and Keith had been by her side through all of it. Now, Erythia was one of the most advanced planets in the universe, its culture and technology a combination of three extraordinary races. Erythians, Alteans, and Galra - as one.

Lance had become a chief officer at the Garrison, and had taken a break from Earth to help out in the new Blade of Marmora, becoming a certified member. He and Keith had ceded their old rivalry and were now the best of friends.

Hunk had founded one of the biggest worldwide food programs in the galaxy, bringing people and planets together one meal at a time.

Pidge and her family chose to stay on Earth, and were creating the next generation of legendary defenders.

Shiro had left the battle behind. He was now married to Curtis, one of the Garrison officers, living out his life peacefully on Earth.

Coran and Romelle became the Altean representatives of Violet's council, and Krolia and Kolivan had become the Galra. Issabela and Zoya made up the last members.

Acxa, Ezor and Zethrid had chosen to work for Violet and Keith, becoming highly-respected Blades.

And Veronica?

She walked in now as Violet and Keith pulled apart, casting a pointed glance at the little space between them. "Ready to go, or do you two need more time?"

Violet rolled her eyes, linking arms with her sister. "Ready when you are. We should go before Kiera comes back, or she'll never let you leave."

Veronica grinned. "Is she off getting into trouble again?"

"Most definitely." Violet took a deep breath, summoning her magic. "What do you think we'll find when we get there?"

"Only one way to find out." Veronica's arm tightened in hers.

Violet's power rose, and she grasped it; the sisters disappeared in a flash of light. Issabela had connected her magic to the Castle of Stars so that she could self-wormhole. Now, she controlled it like Allura used to, using the castle to amplify her power. Violet and Veronica teleported across the galaxy to the place Violet envisioned in her mind: a planet with cacti and greenish dirt and billowing clouds that covered the sun. A cottage with curtains flapping in the breeze, and windows framed the walls, wide so that you could easily see the stars.

When she opened her eyes, they were there, but it was no longer day; the sun was gone, and there were stars in its place, shining brighter than they had on Earth.

Veronica walked up to the cottage, holding up her hand to the door. She hesitated and turned to Violet. "What ... what if she's not there? What if she's gone, like Dad, or doesn't recognize us? What if she does and ... doesn't want to see us?"

Violet sucked in a breath, calming her nerves. "I think there's only one way we can know. Only one thing we can do."


Violet raised her hand and knocked firmly on the door, the sound echoing through the house.

And as the door creaked open, she said to Veronica, "Try."

The End

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now