Chapter 2

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Over the course of the next week, Lotor and Violet finished building the trans-reality ship. Violet had imbued the vessel with enough quintessence for it to function in the quintessence field; finally, the day came when they were ready to enter it.

She commed Keith to let him know. He hadn't been picking up when she'd commed him recently, but she'd assumed it was from the mission he'd told her about.

Violet settled onto her bed as Keith's face appeared on her screen. "Boy, do I have news to tell you, Vi," he said.

"I could say the same." She grinned. "Lotor and I finished building the ship today. We're going to launch it into the quintessence field soon."

"Are you sure it's safe?" asked Keith. "Being exposed to quintessence has a high risk - and a high price."

Violet waved him off. "We know. What's your news?"

"I was on a mission with a senior member of the Blades. Her name is Krolia. She just revealed to me that she's my mother."

"Seriously? She was a member of the resistance?" Violet's face broke into a smile. "Keith, that's awesome. What's she like? Is she cool? Are you guys a team now? When can I meet her?"

Keith laughed. "Slow down. It's been a week or two since we got back from the mission - that was why I couldn't comm you sooner. It will take a while, but I'm glad to have her." He grinned. "There's more. The mission Krolia and I were on - we found a colony of lost Alteans that survived the war. There were only a few, but we brought one of them back with us - her name is Romelle. She wants to join the coalition."

"Alteans? Maybe I should join the Blade of Marmora. You're having all the fun." Violet leaned forward eagerly. "Can I meet her?"

"Not now," Keith said, glancing behind him. "I think she's asleep. We also have a wolf now, by the way, but he acts like a dog a lot."

"That's it." Violet stood. "You're visiting the Castle of Lions. Right now. I'm sending you the coordinates. I don't care if you left the team. Do you know how long I've waited to be able to pet a dog again? Eight years, Keith. Eight. Years."

"I don't know," Keith mumbled. "With Shiro back, I don't have a place in the team anymore. It would be weird."

Violet's eyes softened. "I don't care. And the others don't either."

"Okay." He drew in a long breath. "I'll tell Krolia to change course."

Violet beamed. "I'll see you there."

The comm ended, but her smile didn't leave. She was going to see Keith again. And a dog!

She met up with the other paladins on the bridge and informed them that Keith would be arriving soon.

Lotor frowned at the news. "We should still enter the quintessence field as soon as possible," he said. "I don't want to waste any more time."

"We won't," Violet assured him.

With a blip, a transmission appeared before them, showing Keith's face. "Hailing the Castle of Lions. We have your coordinates. Allura, can you make a wormhole?"

Allura nodded and formed a wormhole; a small Galra craft flew through it, landing in the hangar.

They rushed to the craft. Keith stepped out, along with a Galra woman, a wolf with markings on its muzzle, and an Altean.

Violet found herself face-to-face with Keith. She hesitated before wrapping her arms around him. Keith went rigid, surprised, before hugging her back.

"I'm pleased to meet you," said Shiro, shaking Krolia's hand. "I've had the honor of working with your-" he cut off with a groan, face twisting in pain, and crumpled to the ground.

Krolia blinked, her hand still outstretched. "Er ... does he normally do that?"

Violet bolted into action, sliding to her knees by Shiro's side. "Whoa!" Hunk cried, following her. "Shiro, are you okay?"

Shiro looked up, his eyes fixing on Hunk - eyes of pure, dark blackness. There was no familiarity there, no kindness. No Shiro. 

Violet leapt back, but it wasn't her he launched himself towards - it was Hunk, still by Shiro's side, his brows furrowed in confusion. 

Violet's lips parted to shout a warning, but too late - Shiro lashed out one leg, knocking Hunk down. Hunk stared, shocked, as Shiro raised his Galra arm, his hand glowing. The rest of the paladins were frozen with shock, their eyes wide, confused. They'd never expected an attack from Shiro.

And none of them were close enough to stop Shiro's arm as it drove down, straight for Hunk.

None but Violet.

Shiro's arm met dagger's steel, the clang echoing through the hangar. Hunk rolled and leapt to his feet. Violet let out a breath, thankful he was fine.

The breath cost her. Shiro grabbed her blade with his Galra arm and flung them aside so hard Violet stumbled. She saw him spring for her out of the corner of her eye, and then she was flying - Shiro had slapped her across the room.

Violet hit the floor, her vision spotting. "Vi!" Keith yelled. He ran over to her and helped her sit up.

"I'm fine," Violet said, rubbing her head. "I mean, I just got yeeted across a room, but I think Shiro is a more pressing problem."

"It's 'yote,' not 'yeeted,'" Pidge shouted, followed by the sound of Shiro throwing her aside.

There was a crash, and the sound of footsteps. Leaning on Keith, Violet stood in time to see Shiro hop into the pod Keith, Krolia and Romelle had just exited and launch it, zooming out of the hangar before any of them had time to react. Lance aimed his bayard, but it was too late.

Lotor stood from where he'd been knocked to the ground. "What just-?"

"Whatever just happened to Shiro, we have to get him back so we can figure out what's going on," Keith ordered, taking the lead. "Voltron can follow him. Paladins, get ready to fly."

"But Shiro's the black paladin. Who's going to fly it?" Coran asked.

Keith's face was grim. "Me."

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