Chapter 3

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"I don't understand," said Veronica. "Honerva - the Erythian scientist - somehow became queen? Isn't that ... not allowed?"

"She's not queen by blood," Violet replied, "But she still claimed the throne. I'm assuming the ranks are based on power - whoever has the most magic can lead."

Veronica said, "That shouldn't be a problem, then. You have unregistered amounts of power. Honerva could never beat that."

Violet stared at her hands. "I don't know. I haven't been able to call on my power since the fight with the robeast. What if ... what if it's gone? What if the fight used it all up?"

"Violet," Veronica said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Your power's not gone. Just depleted. You're the heir to the Erythians. The throne is no one's but yours'."

"You're right," Violet said softly. "But what if the paladins get hurt and I need to heal them? Or I need to use my power and I can't? I don't want anyone to get hurt because I couldn't figure out how to use my magic."

"That's what we're here for," Veronica replied. "The Atlas and Voltron and Keith. So that when you falter, they'll be able to step in."

Violet smiled. "Thanks, Veronica."

Her sister returned the smile. "Anytime."

Violet stood, leaving her sister's room aboard the Atlas. They'd been in space for almost a week now, and she still couldn't take her mind off Luka. The first of her people that she'd met - dead. Because Violet couldn't save her.

She stumbled into Shiro on her way to her room. "Violet," he said, "Just the person I wanted to see. We're approaching a star system now - there should be a Galran outpost positioned right where we're headed. The paladins are suiting up now."

Violet nodded. "I'll find Keith. Thanks, Shiro."

She turned and grabbed her communication device, hooking it to her earrings, and made her way to the black lion. She met up with Keith, and the lions flew out of the Atlas as they approached the base.

"Pidge, can you locate any Galran outposts on the planet's surface?" asked Shiro.

Pidge nodded. "They're definitely there. We should see if we can contact them."

"Alright," Keith said, and added in a lower voice, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Why?" Violet asked.

Lance's face appeared on the black lion's screen. "Don't you ever get that little voice in your head telling you you're about to get in a lot of trouble?"


Keith blinked. "That ... that explains so much."

"We're approaching," Shiro warned. "Attention, Galran outpost. The Voltron Coalition is here in the pursuit of peace. We would appreciate it if you let us pass and-"

He was cut off as the base sent out a beam of power from its ion cannon straight for them. The lions ducked out of the way, and the Atlas shielded itself. Fighters began pouring out of the base, headed straight for them.

Violet rolled her eyes. "That was what, five seconds? Might be a new record."

"It's fine." Lance cracked his knuckles. "They're just a couple fighters. This will be a piece of cake."

"A piece of cake?" Allura asked. "Why? Are we supposed to eat it?"

"Er - no," Lance replied. "It's a metaphor."

"It's a silly metaphor," Allura said, still puzzled. "Cake isn't easy at all. You could make it wrong, or it could taste bad-"

"Or you could 'accidentally' drop it on my face," Coran grumbled through his communication device.

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