Chapter 6

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That day, Pidge and Matt said goodbye to their father, Sam Holt, as he left for earth. With Lotor the new emperor, he had access to the castle, and invited the paladins over. Everyone was skeptical, but Violet didn't mind. She'd been in the palace before.

"So, Lotor, what's your grand plan to turn the Galra from a bloodthirsty, warring empire to a peaceful species?" Shiro asked as they arrived.

"Simple," Lotor replied. "Quintessence - a limitless supply of it. It was what turned the Galra into vicious creatures in the first place, and it will turn them back again."

Before he could continue, though, an old Galra woman made her way to the group. Violet gaped when she recognized her. Lotor looked flummoxed. "This is not going to go well," he mumbled under his breath.

Lance said, "Er ... lady, are you lost or something?"

The lady whacked him with her walking stick. "the nerve you have, adressing me without the consent of the esteemed emporer Lotor!"

Violet cursed. "Someone hide me." She moved behind Shiro.

The lady, however, noticed her. "Violetta? Is that you?"

Violet winced, slowly stepping away from Shiro. "Hi, Dayak."

The woman scrutinized her, then swiftly struck her with the stick. Violet blocked, the movement almost effortless. Dayak swiped for her left, and she blocked with her forearm, then sidestepped another blow.

Dayak finished her assessment, pursing her lips. "You're still as stiff as a board. Good to know some things haven't changed." She sneered at the other paladins, "Stop gawking! I was Violetta's tutor, hired by Emperor Lotor himself."

Violet sighed. "When I was being ... trained, Lotor thought it would be a nice idea for me to train with his governess." She glared at Lotor. "Dayak did teach me a lot of what I know now, though, so I owe her."

"You more than owe me," Dayak grumbled. Violet flashed Lotor another irritated glare over her shoulder.

"Right. Dayak had informed me that she was coming to provide ... assistance, but I hadn't expected her to come this soon," he said, clearing his throat.

Violet rolled her eyes. "You mean you were too scared to say no to her."

"Scared, huh?" asked Hunk. he peered at Dayak. "You don't seem like much."

Dayak walloped him with her walking stick. "How dare you insult me?" She seethed. "I trained Lotor himself to crush his enemies, and Violetta to turn whole cities to ruin by his side."

Violet cringed.

"Dayak, I'm sure our guests will quite be interested in examining every aspect of the palace," Lotor said quickly.

"I was hoping to compare our constellations to the Galra's star maps," Shiro offered. "Coran told me you have the most advanced charts in the universe."

Lotor nodded. "We do. I'll have a sentry show you the way to the satellite room."

"Galra and rebel intelligence working together?" Coran said with a sigh. "That's not something you see every quintant."

"While you all are busy," Lotor added, "Violet, I'd like to show you something." He held out his hand. "Come with me, please."

"Huh? No way!" Lance exclaimed.

Violet studied Lotor's face. It was open - more honest than she'd seen in a while. She'd taken his hand before she knew what had happened.

Lotor beamed - actually beamed - and said, "Excellent. There is much work to be done."

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