Chapter 4

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The trip to earth was going slow. It had only been four weeks - four long, tiring weeks in which there was nothing to do but flop around miserably. Violet was bored.

So, so bored.

Everyone else was, too. Shiro and Keith insisted they stay to routine, the former coming up with bonding exercises to do so no one lost their sanity.

One day Lance barged into her room. "Vi, we have a problem."

She was sitting cross-legged on her bed. "I was wondering when you guys would find the flaming ceiling fan. Look, I made sock puppets." she held up her hands, showing him. "This one's Shiro - see his scar? And this one's Pidge. I made her little glasses."

"The flaming what?" Lance spluttered. "Vi - how - wait. Is that me?"

"Oh, yeah." Violet showed him the Lance sock puppet. "I had to steal Keith's sock for it, because you're really tall." she frowned at the puppet.

"That looks nothing like me," said Lance. "Why did you even - gyah. There's an actual problem, Vi."

She blinked. "You mean it's not the ceiling fan? Oh, I know. You found the rubber tarantula. That one wasn't my fault, I swear."

Lance rubbed his temples. "The problem is that the blue lion's sonar lost power today. We can't use it to scout anymore." He plopped down on her bed. "We're putting the lions on autopilot to do more bonding exercises and I'm really not looking forward to it."

Violet's face fell, and she dropped Pidge's sock puppet. "Oh. I kinda wish it had been the ceiling fan." She put her hand on Lance's shoulder comfortingly. "At least we're going somewhere. I know it seems like this is all pointless, but eventually we will be home. In the meantime..." she grinned. "I was bored. Usually I set things on fire when I'm bored - hence the ceiling fan - but yesterday I actually decided to be productive." She fished around her bed and held up her creation for Lance to see.

He blinked. "Uno?"

"It's the most pointless game ever created. All it does is pass time and start wars," Violet explained cheerfully. "And since we have way too much time during our journey home, I made a deck by hand!"

Lance's lips quirked. "Seems like a better bonding activity than whatever Shiro has planned."


Shiro agreed to switch the bonding exercise for the day to a round of Uno among the paladins. It started off fine enough, but Violet was definitely cheating, and Allura kept on shouting 'Uno!' at random times. Keith didn't really know how to play; Lance was losing. Badly. He had half the deck in his hand.

"Draw four, Lance," Violet said.

"Kindly go to hell, Vi."

"You know what?" She put down a second card. "Draw another four."

"Vi," Keith said, leaning closer to her, "I have no idea what's going on."

"It's alright," Violet replied. "I can help you." She looked at him. "Where are all your cards?"

Keith scratched his head. "I think I got rid of them all. Does that mean I win?"

Violet blinked. I am not about to lose a game to another person who barely knows how to play. I will not make the same mistake I did with Coran.

"Nope," she said. "You have to draw six more cards. Sorry, Keith."

Beside them, Pidge and Hunk were seeing how many skips they could hit each other with. "You fell right into my trap!" Pidge sneered. She slammed down a reverse card triumphantly. "How do you like THIS?"

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now