Chapter 10

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Voltron landed on Erythia's surface with a thud, stirring up dust.

Honerva's mech stood before them, ready to fight, wings spread. Violet barely had a chance to take in the world they were in - Erythia, restored and alive - before Honerva attacked with a shout of rage.

"She doesn't look like she's found the perfect reality!" Violet noted as Voltron met the mech with its sword. "I'm inferring that it didn't go too well."

"I have lost everything!" Honerva screamed. "Everything, because of you!"

Violet winced. "Yeah, it definitely didn't go too well."

"Pidge, arm cannon!" ordered Keith, and the green lion swung forward, a blast striking Honerva in the chest. She fell back, but her wings rose up to take her place, angling down for Voltron. They ducked the first, shielded the second, and were hit by the third. Allura cried out as the wing pierced Voltron's leg, the blue lion's place.

Voltron stumbled, right into Honerva's tail. Her mech, which had snuck up on them while distracted, pierced Voltron's chest through. Energy coursed through the lions, causing Violet to stumble.

Keith slammed his bayard into its port, and Voltron's eyes glowed, shooting a laser straight for Honerva's mech. It pushed her back long enough for them to regain their balance. "It's time to end this!" Allura shouted, and Voltron drove forward, sword in hand, at Honerva.

"WATCH OUT!" Lance yelled, far too late; Honerva's wings struck Voltron in the back. Honerva rose and plunged another wing into Voltron's chest. The others began to glow, forming a sphere of power that steadily grew.

Voltron could do nothing as the magic exploded, surrounding them all in white.


Violet came to in a void, floating by herself. She looked around, spotting Keith and the others in similar positions. In the center of the void was light, glowing threads twisted and weaving from it all around them.

"Where are our lions?" asked Allura, brows furrowing. "Where ... where are we?"

Violet stood, hovering in the air. "This is the end," she said softly. "And the beginning. It's the center of everything."

"And the last place you will ever see." Honerva's mech appeared out of thin air, standing before them. Violet jerked back, but Voltron was gone. They had nothing to fight with.

Honerva summoned a blast of power and shot it at them; Violet dove to the ground, the beam passing over her. It struck one of the threads behind her; for a second, nothing happened, and then the light pulsed and agony burst into her brain.

Children playing on the bright orange grass, the stems curling around their feet as they ran.

Demons and things of fire and ice at war with one another, teeth bared and blood singing.

Magic and light and nothing else, a blank world without darkness.

Violet sucked in a ragged breath, her vision clearing. "That - the strands. They're..."

"Different realities," finished Pidge, her face filled with awe and agony. "The only ones left."

Allura's face was ashen. "And she's going to destroy them all."

Honerva's mech whipped forward, faster than even Voltron could stop. Another strand broke under it, images sweeping through Violet's mind, filling her head like water in a glass - people and monsters and war and peace and life and death and worlds, all being wiped out.

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora