Chapter 2

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"Lance," said Violet, "If you keep slithering along the walls like that, I'm going to throw Pidge at you."

"Why me?" Pidge asked, alarmed.

"You're the lightest."

She crossed her arms. "You could just throw Lance."

Violet shook her head. "Lance's ego is way too big to lift."


Pidge frowned in thought. "Then how about Coran? That would do us both a favor."

Coran stopped from where he'd been doing yoga next to Shiro. "It's important to stretch when you're in a confined space," he chided. "Yoga relaxes the muscles and soothes the brain! We should all be doing it!" He slid into the splits, humming cheerfully.

"Coran," said Keith, "We're being held captive. In a Galra cruiser. Without our lions. With our hands cuffed and our bayards taken and no idea who managed to capture us. And you want to do yoga?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Coran muttered.

"Besides, my 'slithering' is going to get us out of here," added Lance. "I'm feeling for a secret passage!"

Violet rolled her eyes. "We'd have a better chance of escaping if we ran around flapping our arms and making chicken noises hoping the guards would think we'd gone mad and open the door."

"Hey, that might work!" Lance said brightly. He started to cluck.

"Lance, use some sense for once and let me focus," Krolia said tartly. "If I can force open this door somehow, we can escape - there's only two sentries guarding us."

Lance dropped his arms, muttering, "You sound like Keith."

"She is my mother," Keith pointed out. He frowned suddenly, looking around the group. "Hey, where's Kosmo?"

Violet blinked. "I ... he teleported away when we were caught in the energy beam. If he's smart, he'll be hiding in one of the lions, where he'll be safe."

"Everyone, we've got company," Krolia interrupted.

The door slid open, and Violet tensed in surprise. Zethrid and Ezor stood in the doorway, grinning. One of Zethrid's eyes was white, and they both wore ragged cloaks.

"Well, well, well," Zethrid said. "Violet. It's been a while. To be honest, we didn't think you survived."

"We almost didn't recognize you," Ezor added. "What happened to you?"

"I could ask the same," Violet retorted. "Where's Acxa?"

"We're not here to answer you," said Ezor, avoiding the question. "You're here to answer us. What happened to Lotor?"

"Gone," Keith said flatly. "Abandoned in the rift."

"The what?"

"The space between realities," Allura replied, voice wary. "Filled to the brim with quintessence. Lotor thought he could use it for his own gain, but in the end, it used him instead."

Ezor frowned. "Then how were you all able to escape?"

Hunk cast a worried glance around. None of them could answer.

"Because I killed him," Violet said softly, but not weakly. Ezor flinched slightly at the word killed, but hid it. "And then I died to help us escape."

"Right," Ezor said, unimpressed. "From what I can tell, Violet, you're not a zombie."

She met Ezor's gaze, letting the general see the fire in her eyes. "Do I look like I haven't changed?"

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat