Chapter 5

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Violet was heading towards the bridge when she saw Lance training, using his bayard to shoot drones. Suddenly, his gun transformed into a broadsword, and he laid waste to the drones easily.

Violet walked in, grinning. "Wow. First the lion, now the sword, and - is that a mullet I see? Lance, I think you might be turning into Keith."

Lance felt his hair, blinking in surprise. "Gyah! I didn't realize being emo was contagious!"

Violet doubled over laughing. "Oh, man, Keith is going to have a fit when I tell him you said that." She wiped her eyes. "I can already imagine the look on his face."

"You're still talking with Keith?" Lance asked, surprised.

Violet blinked. "Oh, I thought you knew. Ever since Naxzela, when Keith tried to sacrifice himself-"


Violet backtracked. "Er, nothing."

Lance crossed his arms. "Spill."

Violet groaned and sat down on the ground, patting the spot beside her. Wiping his face off with a towel, Lance plopped down beside her.

"Once the Blades took over the Zaiforge cannon on Semfala, Keith and I got sick of waiting for you guys to escape Naxzela. We convinced the Blades to let us take off for Haggar's cruiser." She sighed. "When we heard back from you guys, Keith thought that ... that the only way to break through the shield on the cruiser was with a fighter. He wanted to fly one into the ship before Haggar activated the bomb. And he was going to, if I hadn't stopped him.

"Ever since then, Keith and I have been keeping in touch. He - he gave me this book, so we talk about that a lot, and what he does for the Blades, and Lotor." She shrugged. "For me, it's really easy to talk to Keith. Sometimes I still feel like I haven't seen him in months, though."

For once, Lance's face was serious. "The rest of the team figured he doesn't want anything to do with us. I guess we should've tried harder." He looked down, face sad.

Violet touched his shoulder gently. "It's not your obligation," she said. "But, as much as you try to deny it, you two are friends. Maybe you should give him a call."

"Me and Mullet?" Lance scoffed. "Never." he looked at her with a sly grin. "However, you and him ... all I say is, I definitely didn't see it coming."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He blinked. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

Lance's grin widened. "You really don't - wow, Vi. You have to have realized by now that Keith has the hots for y-"

"Hey, Lance! Vi!"

Violet scrambled to her feet, happy to end the conversation. Pidge was standing in the doorway with Hunk. "Whatcha guys talking about?"

Violet flashed Lance a panicked glance. He winked at her and said, "I bet her I could manage to fit my whole bayard in my mouth."

Hunk rolled his eyes. "You're a danger to yourself, Lance."

"And I coward," Violet jumped in. "I say do Pidge's too."

Pidge looked horrified. "Nope. definitely not. Besides, Shiro wants us on the bridge. He's calling a meeting."

"Coming," said Lance. They stood and walked form the training room, Violet flashing him a grateful glance Lance dipped his head in acknowledgement. Anytime, Vi.

"Seriously, though. I have so many questions about these things. Like, if I rip off my leg and wallop you over the head with it, am I punching you or kicking you?"

Brighter Than the Stars: A Voltron Fanfic (Keith X OC)Where stories live. Discover now